The New and Improved 10 Commandments
Strange Fact #1 about me: I was raised in a full-on religious sex cult environment, where men and women and children all believe that the men have superpowers and divination skills, and where abuse is perfected.
Some of the fiction I've read is less insane than some of what I've seen since birth until about age 20. The cult was at least partially-founded that we must all believe in the Bible, and the 10 Commandments were posted in my parents house.
Reality Check 2022:
Well, I am going to say it that in 2022, the 10 Commandments obviously didn't work out. I'm past that. But, why did the 10 Commandments fail? This is my opinion of course, but I think that the word Commandment is too dramatic. Also, these rules for living were unrealistic for how human relationships have grown, evolved and sometimes twisted and rotted. No one was brave enough to tell M*ses to his face though.
Who caused the 10 Commandments to fail? No offense to any particular religious organization, but there are days when I am exhausted by everyone telling everyone else how they should be, do, live, think, feel, and serve others.
What I know from experience: Religious zealots and bigots come in all shapes and forms, colors, and persuasions. They are a reminder of what freedom is not, IMO.
Am I trying to be offensive? This is not a shot fired to any of my religious colleagues that may be kind enough to read this far. Moreso, I am really taking a stand against concepts like Control that are driving divisions between us as humans. Also my opinion is that, I am totally discontent when thinking on what the religion of my grandfathers has done to my relationship with my family; dividing us by rank, file, gender, and placed us on an eternal rewards/points system; with parents attacking children, for generations on-end.
What am I trying to say here? I forsake many of the destructive G*ds that my forefathers accepted as truth. The G*d that my parents worship(ped) is very mean and cruel. Instead, I am making a literary decision to walk-up and simply take the literary staff out of ancient M*ses hands for myself, in an attempt to reimagine the 10 Commandments as easier to relate with.
Why am I sharing this and why does it sound like I am arguing? I am a writer, and I like to share certain ideas. Also, I desperately want somethings loving and wholesome to believe in, again.
These New and Improved 10 Commandments you can read below are perhaps my simplest expressions of that wish. Perhaps these are some basic instructions to my heart for getting me through these strange and hard times. If you do not want to read them, click out of the article now. Nothing bad will happen either way, 100%.
The New and Improved 10 Commandments
These are in no particular order, but are numbered for familiarity.