The new human interaction

The new human interaction

It was some time ago. Actually, a long time ago, during a visit to Copenhagen, Denmark, using a rental car on a short trip to Roskilde. My life on the road wasn’t that long those days, at least not for driving in nordic highways. My first surprise moment was how to get out of parking: I had to use a plastic card an my credit card for everything. Nowadays this is as simple as getting in and out of a shopping mall, but not at that time. Then the second surprise, how to refuel the tank of the car, using absolutely zero human interaction. No one to ask anything, so, if you understand danish or have a good knowledge about which kind of fuel to use, good for you.

This is modern takeaway: we interact with machines and with people using machines. Personal contact is being banned out of society. You don’t have to ask anything to your teacher, just google it or search on Wikipedia. And if it’s not enough, watch a detailed video on Youtube. Nowadays you don’t have to know, you just need a smartphone in your hands, and with two or three clicks, the answer came from some database storage (maybe from Palo Alto, California) and it’s showed in your HD multi-touch screen.

Who doesn’t remember when calling for pizza or Chinese food was the “must do”? It was also easy to call a cab. But now you don’t need it anymore. Taxis, pizzas and everything are only a distance of a click on your smartphone. Out of the blue, Airbnb introduces you to new friends opening their houses so you can stay there, or the owner of a black car with leather seats is your personal driver for some minutes or hours. And in the way to your destination, you chat with thousands of friend simultaneously using your WhatsApp groups.

The Internet of Things connects things with things, people with things, and people with people through things".

And in our daily basis paradigm, the thing of all things is in our hands: our former second screen, which is the first one now, by the way. Recently, during a conference with a lot of people and a lot of things, a heated debate discussing the value chain was the main focus. Then I stood up to look around and see people’s reaction, and guess what… most of them were immersed in the topic. Not into the topic being heated debated on stage, but in their personal and particular debates into those multi-touch HD screens. Some of them reading that last important e-mail, other checking the amount of likes his or her last photo had gathered. The photo, by the way, was taken in the conference to show they were there.

Don’t try to kick it out, it’s worthless. This is the new life, and as Faith Popcorn wrote almost two decades ago, you have to embrace this giant new thing. We used to say that Gen Y was embracing technology as a whole. Actually, all generations are doing that, you just have to look around to see it. But in our meetings, conferences, congresses? Well, I guess it’s more complicated to answer. Recently during a congress about innovation, everything but the event was innovative. One of the moderators, in his opening speech, invited the audience to submit questions, and they only had to write down in paper and hand over to the receptionists. Something as modern as a conference being held in 30’s or 50’s… or maybe in 2015, I don’t know.

We need to break with the old paradigms of a model created in Ancient Greece and really embrace (not only talk about that) this new technologic spinning wheel. Or maybe in near future will be out on streets, disrupting traffic in a riot asking time to stop".

The conservative excuse is in every place, except in the audience. We’re still guided by models invented in Ancient Greece, some speakers still try to impress with the jargon of ‘I know, you don’t’, which is crazy considering that an audience of some hundreds and their smartphones or tablets, statistically can solve the “thesis - antithesis - synthesis” problem in a matter of seconds. And this list of things could go forever, we just have to ask someone… or google it…

As the Spanish people say, “así lo es”.

Uber, besides issues in some countries, is reinventing human mobility, as a proof of the Sharing Society that is taking over the world. Airbnb is reinventing the accommodation business, WhatsApp is pressing telecom companies and Periscope can broadcast your daily basis life. And it goes on and on, and even more. Así lo es.

And what about our industry? When old fashioned models will be replaced by the new audience role with tablets and smartphones? When we’ll see a really interactive content or a new learning architecture? What about the new speaker, which is more a facilitator than a content guru? And smart sponsorship, co-creation and so on? We need to break with the old paradigms of a model created in Ancient Greece and really embrace (not only talk about that) this new technologic spinning wheel. Or maybe in near future will be out on streets, disrupting traffic in a riot asking time to stop.

Juliano Lissoni, MSc in Management, Managing Director of MCI Group in Brazil and  President of MPI Brazilian Chapter.



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