Ademola Adedipe. PhD, MCIPM, FCIPDM, FIMC
Transformational Leader & HR Expert | Management Consultant, Author, Coach, & Master Storyteller
More often than not, we see virtually in every system, the emergence of Power blocks that progressively bear influence on others. Over time, these power blocks become so powerful that most elements in the system, if not all, become automatically skewed to their biddings. Once these power blocks get to an endpoint and power shifts off them, you literally see serious rejoicing as a reaction from the people that had been under their oppressive charge.
At last, an air of freedom, so it seems. The end of an oppressive era does not signal the end of oppression. It is so easy to take away an oppressive personality that had used power abusively than to take away the mentality and effect of being oppressed from those that had suffered and endured oppression.
There is a serious need for a holistic resetting of the entire system and this is not often very easy to undertake. People had been abused and oppressed for a long period of time and everything they do in terms of actions and reactions will still carry the mindset and lifestyle of the oppression era. This is the very reason why in the biblical account we have the Israelites always thinking about Onions, Cucumber, and Garlic even after they had left the land of their oppressors. It is simply put that - they had left Egypt but Egypt had not left them.
In the light of these, the system needs A New and Higher Order and this would take some time to set it. It is however a price that is required to be paid in order to get the Prize of true freedom and emancipation. It is truly worth it.