The New Hegemony
It is true that after moving from agricultural development and self-sufficiency, India's economy deliberately skipped the manufacturing sector and shifted economic development towards the service sector.
We have achieved significant growth in this era. Still, unfortunately, apart from a few tech innovations, many IT sector companies are serving just Western countries by providing tech support rather than producing any technology here.
The IT sector's actual revolution is Neocolonialism, as we have become solely dependent on our exotic clients and suppliers. We have great talent to make codings, solve various problems, and serve with minimum wages.?
This new form of economic imperialism is under the umbrella of globalization, where our existence and cultural values are choked and influenced by our Tech company owners or some of the indirect foreign bosses.?
This phenomenon can be seen as a new form of imperialism that is widely developing in our country and is observed in similar developing and least-developed countries. As an illustration, we are granted a day off for the US Independence Day, but regrettably, our own national holiday, the Independence Day of India on August 15th, is not permitted for leave.?
This kind of hegemony must be removed, and we must get out of the colonial mindset. Still, here I want to add that I am not against any particular country, globalization, or any business sector. I just want to highlight that each country or every individual must respect each other's necessities and cultural values.?
Every aspect of the industry needs to prioritize the happiness of individuals rather than just focusing on revenue and profits. While I understand the importance of global economics, I believe that mutual respect is crucial for a successful outcome that benefits both parties.