A new guideline for MateRegen Gel
Hello everyone, I hope you're fine.
I'd like to share a newly published guidelines with you. It’s written by Dr. Giuseppe Bigatti, an Italian KOL and the inventor of IBS (Integrated Bigatti Shaver) technique. His hysteroscopy center opened last week in Shanghai Renji Hospital. It’s one of the world’s leading hysteroscopy centers no matter in notion or hardware.
MateRegen Gel has been included in the guidelines as a routine for diagnosis and treatments of diseases in uterine cavity(Chapter 3). The guideline also includes a chapter (Chapter 6) to introduce MateRegen Gel. Link of the guideline: https://we.tl/t-ZcxwdnIM9U (This link will be expired in one week. You can leave me comments or write me email to get a copy of this guideline afterwards.My email address: [email protected])
Personally, I think this guideline is super useful for all kinds of hysteroscopies, I believe all obstetricians and gynecolgists would be pleased to have a copy of it. You're welcome to contact me for any questions or suggestions.