New Green Reading Sessions
New at the Nick Riley Putting Academy
Take your green reading skills to the next level. No matter how good your stroke or how well you align yourself, if you haven’t read the green correctly, the putt is a lost cause.
Over my many years as a PGA Professional, I have realized there is more to putting than good mechanics. With this in mind I have developed 3 green reading sessions, please see below.
Session One – 1 Hour £75.00
?We demonstrate green reading skills and the role of the eyes during green reading. Your visual system is linked to your brain in intricate ways that influence everything you do including your golf game. Itinerary:-
- Green Reading – Basic Laws
- Fall Lines
- Viewing Position
- How to Look
- Optical Illusions
- Visual Misperceptions
- Strategies for Helping Visually Challenged Golfers
Session Two – 1 Hour £75.00
At first glance this green reading session might not be quite what you imagined.
What ever green reading technique you use, such as simply assessing the putt by eye or using other green reading systems, this is the next step in the process. Delivering the ball to the hole on the right line and at the correct pace to make more putts.
The overriding factor in any stroke is whats going on in the MIND. This session will help you understand this process and help you develop your own personal PRE-PUTT routine.
“90% percent of what we do in life is in the subconscious”
- Perception Test
- Focus, Attention and Awareness (Feel)
- What Goes On In The Mind
- Switching On
- Power of Imagery
- Balanced Mind
- Targeting
- Pre-Shot Routine
Session Three – 1 Hour £75.00
?This is an intense but rewarding session for the golfer that is keen to master the art of putting.
During this advanced session we spend most of the time in the classroom. You will gain in-depth knowledge regarding the effects of slope and putting strategies. “A must for any putting geek.”
- Understanding Slope Values
- Putting Strategy & Patterns
- Ball Entry Speed
- Missing on the low side?
- Putts Gained
- Drills
Call Nick Riley for further information 0117 9502121, we hope you can join us.