New Grakn Documentation

New Grakn Documentation

After carefully listening to your and the community's feedback, we've decided to make some drastic improvements to our documentation platform. I'm very excited to share this with you! 

A technology as essential as Grakn needs to be thoroughly documented. That means that you, or any new Grakn developer, must be taken on a journey where you can learn about all the capabilities and use cases involved in building a Grakn knowledge graph. So with this in mind we set out to rethink our existing documentation, and we ended up rewriting all of the content while restructuring the architecture to make it more centred around the developer experience. 

You'll see that the new documentation takes a use-case centric approach, while providing full coverage of what you can get out of working with Grakn and Graql. This new style aims to incorporate the seamless flow that was so loved in the previous Grakn Academy while widening the coverage of the entire documentation.

The new content architecture, at, now splits the documentation into two parts: Grakn and Graql. Each part contains multiple chapters, such as Running Grakn, Client API, and Cloud Deployment for Grakn, and Schema, Query and Concept API for Graql. Each chapter contains several pages, which will grow and evolve over time while remaining encapsulated within their chapter. The new structure, which is reflected in the navigation sidebar, maps directly to the Grakn architecture and is easily extendible as each chapter evolves independently along with its associated Grakn module.

I hope you find the new Grakn Documentation useful. It's still really at the beginning of its roadmap, as it will grow with some exciting content. This includes the modelling philosophy, the content and use cases, the usability and functionality of the site as well as maintaining the content for the past releases; There is still room for improvement in each of these areas. And, as always, I welcome your feedback and contributions to help us grow our Grakn Docs!


