The New Google News Will Strike Soon?

The New Google News Will Strike Soon?

Google is now experimenting with a new trial version of the google new portal, it’s just a short trial. Our team has discovered limited information. First, we will talk about the new home page its more visually appealing, the navigation menu of the portal is now moved to the top as earlier it was at the left. The developers changed the overall appearance of the homepage.

How Does Google News Work?

Google News collects articles from the publishers globally and works with only one goal is to provide relevant news to users. It works with the algorithm what is in the feed and then personalizes it according to the user’s setting and google activity.

What will be the Changes you will Witness in the new Design Implementation?

According to the report, Google is working on the search bar placement in the app and it is repositioned at the top of Google’s logo. That search bar placement changes will be part of the A/B testing. The other change will be done to the weather and temperature location which has been moved to the top left. You will also witness some changes in your profile picture as it will be also part of the top field. The profile picture will support a swipe gesture from which you can easily toggle different accounts.

The New Design changes are Part of the Android 12 Design

As part of Android 12's design, the current changes to the Search app fit in with the rest of the Google apps but it will look different if we compare it to the previous version. As these changes are part of the Google A/B testing so only the selected accounts will see these changes, we have noticed many accounts not seeing the changes.

When you will see these Changes?

These are tests and these tests are only by google running to see whether people like them or not. Google wants a complete report about the negative and positive effects. They are testing it constantly on different platforms.

How do these changes affect the User Interface?

When Google introduces changes in the user interface or changes in design in google search or google news, it can affect the website’s visibility and clicks.



