A New Generation of Downlights is Coming
We are delighted to inform you that Lumenpulse will be launching an all-new family of high-performance architectural downlights in Q1 2020. With this launch, some changes to our current branding and Lumenalpha portfolio will occur. Read on to find out all about it.
Lumencore Downlights - Coming Soon!
Lumencore downlights will be joining the Lumenpulse Indoor Portfolio in EMEA and APAC during Q1 2020. With two distinct sizes and thousands of configurations, the Lumencore family forms an unmatched global program in Lumenpulse’s point source offering for commercial, retail, institutional, hospitality, and museum applications.
Lumenalpha becomes Lumenpulse
To offer you a faster and easier search for all Lumenpulse point source products, Lumenalpha’s point source portfolio will soon be merged in the Lumenpulse brand banner. When visiting lumenpulse.com, you will then be able to view Lumenpulse's complete product portfolio and select between our indoor and outdoor lighting sectors.
The Cylinders, Spot Small and Spot Large, as well as the Discrete and Multi families, will be rebranded as Lumenpulse, becoming part of the Lumenpulse Indoor portfolio.
"You Say Goodbye, I Say Hello"
With the introduction of Lumencore, several Lumenalpha downlights will be phased out of production and superseded by their next-generation Lumencore equivalent.
This brand transition will be gradual, allowing you to deliver projects that are currently ongoing. Selected Lumenalpha downlights will be discontinued by July 2020, giving you a six-month period between specification to deliver Lumenalpha projects or convert specifications to Lumencore downlights. If you have any ongoing projects beyond that time, please contact your Lumenpulse Sales Representative.
Please note that discontinued products ordered before July 2020 will be delivered and covered under Lumenpulse’s 5-year warranty. During this period, product documentation will still be available for maintenance and customer support purposes.
Alphaled Going Strong
No need to worry! Alphaled has been rejuvenated with a brand new website and new edition catalogue, and strengthened its partnership with Xicato to be stronger than ever. Working exclusively with Xicato, Alphaled luminaires continue to use the highest quality light sources whilst embodying versatility, efficiency and simplicity. With over 100 products available, the Alphaled portfolio is suitable for a wide range of applications from retail and hospitality to architectural. Visit Alphaled.co.uk now and explore the range.