A new generation of connected customer.

A new generation of connected customer.

Let me put this plainly … Connected customers are growing. Traditional customers are fading. - Brian Solis

I want to share an article by the man who wrote the quote above - Brian Solis.

This article, which I will post a full link to shortly, echo's what I have found for myself from my work as a digitally native marketer and explains amazingly something that I fully believe in.

For those of you who don't know me I specialise in providing social media and digital marketing strategies for brands and businesses. So as a bit of a strategy geek testing content, tools & message then analysing results is massively exciting to me.

Over the past 6 to 12 months for my own and my client work social and mobile has been the source of a majority of traffic to email campaigns, website, landing page & competitions - pretty much any type of content we have used.

I'm sure we all know what a sales or customer journey funnel looks like so I won't go in to detail but I have found in most of my my own and my client cases the first 4 touch points are made on social or from mobile in over 70% . In some cases this is more like 8.

So after reading this article - again this morning I just wanted to share the wisdom from Mr Brian Solis as he can explain it infinitely better than myself.

I hope you enjoy this article as much as me and I would love to hear your thoughts.

Born Digital: Meet Generation C, a new generation of connected customers





