New GA4 Features, How to Market on Threads, and more…
You can now reach a better, higher-intent audience with additional audience tools like seeing existing app users who weren’t reached via push notifications or targeting only relevant app users across both app and web audiences. Google is also giving you additional consented, signed-in data to automatically optimize in-app campaign performance. There’s also a new solution that enables conversion measurement for web campaigns that deep link users to an app.
If you’re looking for more information around how you should be using Threads as a marketing tool, this is an excellent resource. There’s also a lot of good insights via survey data on how other brands are currently using the platform.
Participants who see the same ad six times have the highest brand recall, but also the highest negative association. While this study was conducted on streaming platforms, the data still points to the negative implications of showing the same ads at a high frequency.
While creative and targeting play an important role in driving people to your site, what happens after the click is just as crucial in getting someone to buy. Improving the bridge between your Facebook/Google/etc. ads and your website is easier than you think if you follow the three C’s of landing page optimization.