New and fun ways to get art amateurs back to the galleries
In order to drag larger crowds of art amateurs back to the galleries, Paris Gallery Weekend organisation dared to launch a game through the city. Offered to the winner will be a voucher worth 2000€ to acquire an artwork from one of the participating galleries.
The gaming concept of the so-called "artistic quest" is to arise visitors curiosity and motivation to go through the galleries, and gather clues in each district of the city before discovering the mystery crate.
It stands as a very new and bold offering on the modern and contemporary art gallery scene. With the possibility to acquire an artwork, the visitors touring the galleries discover the exhibitions with a new purpose in mind: they can sharpen their eye and project themselves starting or developing their own collection.
The aim is to appeal to experienced and wannabe collectors and foremost to make modern and contemporary in the galleries accessible to wider audiences.
Thought by design agency Matter Of Fact, the game plays on the event signage made of artwork crates, stamps and tape.
More information, rules and suggested artworks for acquisition on