New FT Partners In-depth Research Report: "B2B Payments: The Last Major Bastion of Paper-based Payments and Processes"
Steve McLaughlin
Founder / CEO / Managing Partner at Financial Technology Partners / FT Partners / FinTech Partners
FT Partners Research is pleased to announce the publication of our new in-depth, 380+ page industry research report, "B2B Payments: The Last Major Bastion of Paper-based Payments and Processes ."??
Executive Summary?
The business-to-business (B2B) market remains one of the last major global opportunities for payment digitization. Not only is the market still plagued by widespread manual processes and inefficient payment methods, but it is also a massive market estimated at nearly $29 trillion in the U.S. alone. Today, checks still shockingly account for nearly 50% of B2B payments. Moreover, manually intensive payment methods are more likely to lead to high error and failure rates, making companies vulnerable to security risks and increasing costs. Consequently, the rush is on to bring more efficient, digital payment solutions to businesses, both large and small.????
Key discussion topics of the report include:
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