New Frontiers in AI: The Next Generation of Enterprise Text Editors
I am definitely the last person to drink the kool-aid or jump on a new fashionable technology fad. People who know me would have often heard me say, “the people who know a piece of technology deeply are the ones who know not to use it.” So trust me when I say that there is a new frontier of AI opening up - it has always started off with my internal sense dismissing it as a fad until I’ve been convinced otherwise.?
In this quick write-up, I just wanted to share my thoughts on historical perspective which may be useful to readers anyway. Then at least show you one space in the industry that I believe will be disrupted.
Historical Perspective.?
Just to help with being useful, let me recap this world of advances the way I see it personally and I hope this perspective is useful for some.?
When I was watching this space and dreaming up products, outside Google autocomplete and Grammarly, there wasn’t anything in the ecosystem mid 2020 - startups or otherwise. Now, there is,, (that I invested in) and more. I do not think people understand the change that can be brought. Let me give you a simple example.?
Next Generation of Text Editors.
Grammar and auto-complete are a given. But let's go further. If your text editor is used for corporate / enterprise use cases, should it not be a platform? Why wouldn’t your text editor talk to Outreach, HubSpot, SalesLoft, Marketo, Seismic, HighSpot and a whole host of other sales and marketing tools? Why wouldn’t your text editor talk to your ATS systems to pull and push job posts? Needless to say it feels like your text editor should certainly talk to your CMS systems, WordPress etc to write webpage copy. While we are at that, what about SEM copy and ads? Should your text analysis be done automatically by AI to detect inclusive language, brand consistency and messaging consistency? Should your text editor tell you what you should write, when you should write it and even help you write it? What about storing text in projects such as what Figma does rather than files and directories? It's a pity that if I write a 100 page document on a text editor today, there is absolutely no way for me to find all the countries I mentioned in it, the times I used font size less than 8pt font, the places where I used italics instead of bold. All of these have implications on accessibility & inclusive language. What about inconsistencies in those styles when I do have them across a 100 page document? Shouldn’t these be standard??
Hopefully I can give you a glimpse of what the future holds in terms of text creation, storage, and analysis and how AI can be deeply embedded not just inside your next generation text editor but also deeply integrated across the tools that use those pieces of text to communicate. I think there will be a host of startups that will disrupt this space in a variety of ways. It will be a lot of fun if we can help build one.?
p.s: this text was written and analyzed by a text editor in skunkworks :)