A New Focus - A New Biz Plan
In 2018, I wanted first of all to consolidate my online presence so I designed my website and created a free online metaphysical library in YouTube / WordPress / Podbean / Facebook / LinkedIn and Twitter. I abandoned Instagram because it was very limiting for technical reasons - my purpose was to put the articles or stories from my books out there in the form of stories and put a link to the books in Amazon so that the circular motion would feed each other - the articles would feed the book sales and so on and so forth.
The focus was also to give a lot of content for free because I wanted people to at least have the knowledge. I believe you receive what you give. I thought this way I would create a following and as an Author - I would become an Authority in my favourite subject: the field of consciousness as energy.
The next thing was to create a Patreon account where people could contribute if they so desired - if they felt that my work had value for them. I always think that some people can afford 10 euros or dollars or whatever currency they use, but another wants to contribute 500... This way I can leave it to the Universe to flow back to me holistically and organically whatever needs to happen.
On the other hand, I have my books in Amazon and my one-to-one or group coaching sessions, courses and workshops, so I created a good mix. I progressed further as technology was being made freely available and created audio-visual materials. I am currently busy retouching my courses: "The 5 Pillars of Success", "Public Speaking to Transform Your Life" and "Excellent Teaching Skills - A Course for Educators".
I first wanted to get a reputation for knowing my subject and for taking the initiative to put myself out there as a leader at my level of expertise. At this point in my life, I mostly wanted a timetable that would flow with my natural body rhythms - space to create, space to nourish people with information or support them, time to keep my environment clean and tidy, time for my family and time for myself.
To achieve this balance is not easy and it is work in progress, but obviously the more you focus on getting there, the more big and small changes that you have to make. The result is shaping your own reality in the right direction.
I see this work as maximizing and optimizing the use of my time and energy with a self-preservation focus (that's to say, without leading me to burnt-out). The magic takes place when you are able to accept and feel successful in many small practical ways as you develop a way to contain (not control) your energy and integrity within life's unexpected changes.
In February 2018 I started my online free metaphysical library that progressed later on into life discussion with my Zoom group of friends.
In April 2019 I created my polyglot languages YouTube channel "Polyglot Buzz" and in June 2019 I created with my sister, medical doctor Esther Garcia, our Spanish YouTube channel "Raising Consciousness".
I had managed to cover a lot of the areas of action that I intended and created a platform to play and work on the two subjects of my passion: metaphysics or energy and languages.
I taught myself all the technical skills that I needed to function in the internet - I wrote, edited and formatted my books, and I published them in Amazon. Originally I published them in other sites but I was being more successful in Amazon so I devoted to just one portal. Again - 80% of my customers in a 20% narrow band.
I learnt to edit my videos with Screencast@matic and my audios with Audacity and used YouTube tutorials to teach myself. Subsequently, I learned to work with Zoom to record my videos and I learned to publish all written and audio-visual posts all around the net.
It was an uphill battle that took me many hours... but the more I did it, the quicker I was becoming.
Then I wanted to go to the next level - marketing (apart from my social media network) but something was resisting: I don't like marketing - I don't like the feeling that I am forcing people to buy.
But I didn't know how otherwise to do it... until I saw a free video by Tyson Thaner.
All those years ago, I knew that I needed to focus on the reason for my business. It is all very good to say "I am a life coach and I want my clients to succeed", or whatever, but how are you going to do that in a way that is different from everyone else out there?
So I had spent many hours working my business plan, which at the beginning I also resisted... until I realised that it was because I was trying to get it over and done with by only looking at the surface.
But as I started to delve into the real business that I wanted to put out there and therefore the person that I needed to be to achieve so, I was able to walk with it or weave this business possibility into my real life.
And as I was focusing on it, everything that I was writing on those pages was becoming true one little step at a time and at the same time, once I started writing it, I started loving it.
The magic was alive!
Tyson said that the way he did it was via Facebook - you didn't need any IT knowledge, you didn't need an email list (which everyone else said that it is totally essential and I was scratching my head trying to work out how to do it organically); he said that you don't need automatic responders (the amount of times that I had downloaded and deleted, downloaded and deleted again ChipMonkey! but I really never could get into it!).
It just seemed so good to be true!
So now in November 2020 and after the great challenge of the virus lockdown, my great business plan that has kept me focused over the last few years felt obsolete so I felt the need to rewrite it...
They say that you will need to revisit your business plan every few years as you and your circumstances change so that you can keep your thoughts organized and focused.
If you are in the same place as me, I invite you to go over the next few points together so that you can build your business plan too.
But just to say, I don't consider this to be a separate business plan from the rest of my life - most people make this mistake: they set up their business separated from their life. But what if we could weave both aspects as one and create time and space for each in a way that they have a link with each other?
Then your business would become part of your life and your life would be embedded in your business - every moment we live is part of our life. I can't see how we can fully separate both.
And today we have the perfect opportunity if we mix our time outside with our work-from-home- option.
My friends say that the energy at this moment is great to do this work and that we are being reborn.
I agree.
Very slowly you will start moving the universal gear machine into a more harmonious and holistic way for you and your family. If you keep tweaking and touching up everything you do with the Pareto Principle in mind (80% of everything that comes to us is contained in 20% of what we actually do) then, like the snake, we can release unnecessary layers on a regular basis.
Part of what we do needs to make us feel good - maybe there is not a box in the business plan that says "do your ironing on Sundays while you listen to YouTube motivational speakers" like I like doing, but that anchors my feet on the ground so I start Mondays fully focused and energised.
Many of the soft skills that we acquire are not written in the lines of the above business (or life) statement; however, they are still true to us and we must respect the rhythms of our body and mind, never ignoring when something makes us feel bad - this is a clear sign that we are going off track.
The good thing about having an "efficiency plan" for your life and / or business, or both, is that it forces you to focus and without even realising, you start moving the universal machine in the direction of your dreams.
Nobody said it would be easy. In fact, nobody said that we wanted it to be easy because when we get the feeling of accomplishment, it motivates us to keep going. Accomplishment breeds effort and effort (with the right focus) breeds accomplishment.
As you put your mind into the fabric of your life, you will start noticing subtle things that were unnoticed before. You will start paying attention to them and realise that they are as important, or more, than the bigger things in your life.
At that point, you will start working under the surface - on the 2/3 of the iceberg that can't be seen but can be felt and as your life and business will take a personality of their own, you will be guided to the next step, and the next step.
And when things don't fit any more, just do a good spring cleaning and revisit all this information to make sure that you are always one with your life and that are all the moving parts in your life keep working in harmony.
I promise to you that the work will be well worth-while doing.
By Dr Ana Garcia PhD, DTM
November 2020