New Fleethand Module: Improve driver compliance and time tracking

New Fleethand Module: Improve driver compliance and time tracking

The new Fleethand module is here - reporting, notification and management of working time irregularities.?The new Fleethand module makes it very easy to analyze all the company's drivers' working time offenses in one comprehensive report.

The module makes it easy to see how many and how serious the offenses committed by each of your company's drivers are, as well as at what time and in which country they were committed.

Another advantage of this solution is that you can subscribe to our system to receive real-time notifications of drivers' driving time violations. This way, those responsible are informed in due time when violations occur and can easily prevent the risk of fines or even loss of license.

Key Functionalities:

Violation Severity Classification: Automatically categorizes recorded violations into SSP, LSP, and SP based on predefined criteria related to the impact on life safety, injury risks, and market competition distortion.

Real-Time Alert System:?Provides instant notifications to fleet managers and drivers when a potential severe violation (SSP, LSP, or SP) is detected, enabling immediate corrective actions.

Historical Data Analysis: Maintains a detailed record of all violations, categorized by severity, which can be used for trend analysis, driver training, and compliance reporting.

Driver Scorecards: Generates individual driver scorecards that reflect their compliance with road transport rules, helping in identifying training needs and rewarding compliance.

For more information contact the Fleethand sales team at [email protected]



