New features in Ubuntu 18.04

New features in Ubuntu 18.04

It's just day before yesterday that I installed Ubuntu 18.04 on my laptop and well, it's such a great OS. I would like to share my experience on moving from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04

1) The GNOME launcher is something we would've liked to see from before, but anyway looks great. You can tweak a few cosmetic things by installing GNOME Tweaks.

2) The minimize and close signs have moved to the right. This was kind of a disappointment for me.

3) The Dock can be moved to the center and right. It's auto hide is a little different. Only when a window overlaps the dock it will hide.

4) SNAP packages. These installations will update themselves and apparently won't need a restart.

5) Automatic sudo apt update after adding a repository.

6) Better hardware support.

7) It comes with a default python 3.6 and OpenJDK 10.

8) LibreOffice 6 is available for use.

9) Must admit that it boots quite fast.

10) The Nautilus file manager looks a little different, it looks cooler.


