The new face of Islamic Terrorism
John B. MacLaren
★ Direct Action Inc. Business Development Specialist ★ Navy SEAL/SWCC/NSW Candidate Trainer/Mentor ★ Leadership/EQ/Team Trainer ★
6 weeks ago I was leading a class full of parents and teachers at a Jewish school in Los Angeles. The topic was terrorism. In that class I cover Islamic terrorist threats of course but also basic threats that threaten the safety of kids in schools, I.E. pedophiles, the faculty and staff that assists and covers for the pedophiles, physical assaults from other kids, relatives who may have fallen off the wagon or are in the process of a violent divorce etc.
One of the parents asked me what the realistic threat of an organized Islamic terrorist attack was at their small school. It was a great question and here is the answer I gave them:
For the past two years Daesh and other Muslim terrorist groups realizing that its become more and more of a challenge to import shit bag terrorists and to organize them without being caught and without spending large amounts of money to do so began utilizing their unlimited supply of citizen terrorists and future terrorists who have been raised in this country or have immigrated here. They created "how to" booklets and magazines, online and in print explaining how to perform terrorism in this modern age so that Muslims around the world can understand how to 'blend in" and even act christian, to wear crosses, to shave beards and even to attend christian meetings as a fake Christian.
These teachings at mosques and instructional booklets and magazines online and in print on how to create what I have come to call, "mom and pop" terrorist attack have created a new method of inexpensive and unpredictable Islamic terror attacks.
A "mom and pop" terrorist attacks is simply a Muslim performing his or her required personal Jihad (struggle) by choosing a target that really annoys them on a personal level and a target whose actions fly in the face of the teachings of Mohammad and goes against the clerics understanding of the Quran.
The final rub here is that there is a push towards performing personal Jihad and living through it to perform other acts of terrorism. This is a new twist in the Muslim terrorists handbook since we always expected them to go boom with their victims, but I digress. (Let me add here that many Muslims believe that their personal Jihad is simply to practice their religion freely and openly and NOT to eliminate or enslave all infidels.). I am speaking only of the millions of Muslims who do believe that Jihad calls for the elimination or enslavement of all non Muslims and non compliant Muslims.
Gay clubs, Jewish schools, Jews in general, Christians and all infidels in general, non Muslim women in general unless you have impregnated them with a Muslim baby, LGBTQ people, non conforming Muslim men and women and a whole truck load of other issues make up the list of potential targets for these mom and pop terrorists that our sitting president has termed, "Home grown extremists" as if they have nothing to do with the larger group and the larger picture.
On the contrary, these Mom and pop terrorists are the precise intended result of the teachings, the training and of the supervision of the elders and of the clerics in this country and around the globe. If you watch and listen to what older, wiser clerics in the area are preaching at mosques , on you tube and meetings you will see the constant target training happening just as you did in Orlando.
How did I know this was happening one of the parents asked. I assure you I do not have a neon sign on my front window that says, Fortune teller. I simply pay attention and read and research and watch as so many do around the world. None of what im saying is rocket science. This is particularly true since these publications are typically written in English or the local language of the target country.
"Everyone who reads and researches these issues and these groups know that this is happening was and is my simple reply. we get the same internet postings and magazines and booklets that they do, its not a secret." The military knows it and we have talked about it for decades, the government knows it and yes even all of you can know it simply because you have the internet.
The days of the "one off" mom and pop Islamic terrorist attacks are here and San Bernadino was one of them and Orlando was another one. A few weeks ago a Jewish center in southern Florida was also the target of these one offs and a dozen or so more incidents, stabbings, rapes and general assaults as well.
All Muslims are in no way your enemy and fortunately that will moats likely always be the case. How do you tell them apart? No one knows and I do not propose to offer a solution. My intent is simply to educate so the public is more informed than civilians tend to be issues beyond the Jersey shore and reality TV.
You will often hear in the media that the fighting average age of 29 male Muslim is the culprit in all of this but in fact nothing could be farther from the truth. The fighting age male Muslim is the instrument of action just as the fighting age american is the instrument of our military and of our government. The older and "wiser" clerics are the ones who teach and mentor and convince these young men and women to be the instruments of violence that they are.
The teachings of violence are taught in every Muslim community in this and every country where Muslims communities exist and that is so so challenging for the American easy life mentality to understand very simply because we have had decades of such easy living that all we seem concerned about is an even deeper insult to the teachings of the Quran.
You're president is correct in this instance in that these are homegrown terrorists but they are not acting alone nor are the mentored and taught how to act alone. They are an integrated day to day part of their Muslim communities and that is simply the way it is.
The solution? There might be many but my intent here is to simply inform so that you might do your own research and calm or elevate your own fears by understanding this new face of "mom and pop" terrorist attacks. Many well intentioned Muslim folks are working against these terrorists as well but I want to be very very clear, these terrorists are your present and they are your future. As always, Lead from the front and God bless us ALL.
John B. MacLaren
With 24 years of military spouse experience I adapt and thrive wherever life takes me. I value creativity, flexibility & making people feel seen & heard. I aim to make a positive contribution to the world. Love travel!
8 年Sobering.