New European Commission - what to do while we wait?
For the last couple of days we have been exposed to news about the EU Elections and new European Parliament. Yesterday, all EU heads of governments have met to discuss on how to divide top EU posts. Based on differences in opinions it might happen that we spend some time waiting for the new top EU officials.
But, what does it mean for us who are working closely with the EU? Does it mean that we should take long holidays and together with our clients go somewhere warm until it is all decided. When reading some of the EU press, I would get the impression that "Brussels will be paralysed" during this period.
However, reality is very much different. Most of us see this period as the busiest period. While preparing for the new top officials to take over their roles with "new" agendas we are still working closely with the rest of the EU Institutions. Most civil servants will continue to do their work as before and regardless of changes on the top it all has to function perfectly. EU Budget and EU funding doesn't really stop just because of the political changes on the top. EU policies are all multi-annual and they survive EC Colleges.
So far we have been asked the same question almost by every client : "What do we do while we get the new EC?" and the answer is always the same "Business as usual, only a bit more of work...".