The New Era Is About Sensations
From the Stone Age to the digital age, technology has always marked our progress. But over the last couple of decades, technology went from being something that makes our lives easier, to actually dominating so many parts of it. Computers process things and think for themselves. AI creates art and writes moving messages. As much as we're surrounded by an overload of information, we actually know less than before, think less and understand less.
We're entering the next phase of our togetherness. Humanity is becoming a system of sensations where billions of people will share the same thoughts, feelings, and ideas.
Sometimes it looks like the machines are winning. But the good news is that even though we're not getting smarter, new sensory spheres are opening up. And this is really exciting because it means we can feel more, and experience things in a deeper way. I'm not talking about our physical sensory organs but rather our ability to sense each other in a much deeper way. We'll be able to tap into each other's thoughts and feelings as if we were one person.
We didn't plan for this merging of our psyches of course, but it's really happening. The world has become very universal. Anywhere you go in the world people are eating the same fast food and drinking Coke, wearing the same fashions, most people speak English, and are consuming the same types of media. We all buy our stuff from the big brands. We didn't realize how connected we were until one country stopped shipping wheat and caused price rises in food everywhere.
We're entering the next phase of our togetherness. Humanity is becoming a system of sensations where billions of people will share the same ideas, thoughts, and feelings. We need to start becoming more aware of this shared system, understand its attributes and its requirements. This will help us guide our lives safely and become masters of our fate.
A crucial part of this requires us learning the attributes of the system, to implement them on ourselves. The system is essentially a system of connections, which will require us also becoming connected individuals. We will have to feel others and be aware of their thoughts and feelings just as we know our own right now. But due to our disconnection, we can't sense others as we sense ourselves. So we're going to have to give up the thing separating us from each other: the human ego.
The more we hang on to our self-centeredness, the more acutely we'll feel our separateness and disorientation in life. But when we finally give in and let go of that one thing inside each of us that's holding us back - everything will become so clear. We'll know what we need to do, and when to do it because we'll simply sense it.
We won't need technology to run everything. All we'll need is to sense the network of sensations we all exist in, and they'll guide us safely and smoothly through life. Life will become a lot more pleasant.
Education/ Research Specialist
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