The New Era of ‘Black Hat’ Workforce Firings

The New Era of ‘Black Hat’ Workforce Firings

Need to Fire People? Look Here:

There are consultants who are hired to go into corporations and find waste, fraud and inefficiencies within companies. These consultants also determine if there are too many workers for each intended area of operations. And when these consultants find ‘redundant’ positions, they conduct ‘workplace reductions.’

‘Black Hat’ Consultants:

Basically, these consultants are brought in to fire people. And these consultants are called ‘Black Hat’ consultants, because, well, they aint the good guys.

I was never a ‘Black Hatter’ (as we were called), but I worked inside consulting firms that did this sort of work. It’s very lucrative work and not difficult (to be plain and crass about it.). All you had to do was to reduce head count and not blame ‘the boss’ while doing it.

No surprise then that every single person in each company hated the Black Hat consultants.

Once Hated, Now Loved:

And, until about a month ago, the media and public hated Black Hat consultants. And for good reason--we came in an fired people without truly understanding the long-term impact of such reductions.

Black Hat consultants were appropriately villainized—it was the media who came up with the name ‘Black Hat’ in the first place.

But now it seems, that Americans love seeing people fired. And seeing lots of Americans get fired…every day, on-mass, and in the most brutal of ways—by email, without notice, without cause and immediately being locked out of their work building.

Hundreds of Thousands Being Fired:

And yet here we are, witnessing hundreds of thousands of workers being given ‘pink slips’ to leave their jobs—leave their careers—with minimal notice, and without regard for the work underway, nor the devastation will surely cause those American’s who are now out of a job.

The New Black Hatters:

As consultants, we know these terms (waste, fraud, abuse) well, but we could not just say there was waste, fraud and abuse…We had to prove it! Even the Black Hatters weren’t that brutal.

But not anymore. This is a new era of Black Hatters—those who just point their fingers and say, ‘GONE.’

There is Always a Cost to Firing People:

The rippling effects of these government agencies that have now closed or are severely understaffed and underfunded will be felt by all Americans.

For example, if your baby falls out of a crib because it was defective, there is no longer the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to help you out. They were instructed to ‘not perform any work tasks’ as of February 10th.

The Many Services We Will Miss:

ü? Interested in having your mail picked up and delivered six days a week? That’s going away.

ü? Interested in having your flight take off and land safely? That’s going away—in fact it’s already gone away because many FAA employees have been fired.

ü? Interested in having experts ensure the right vaccines are manufactured for next year’s flu? That just went away….

Reckless Firings Without Fact, Finding or Rationale:

Weather forecasting, Medicaid funding, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), IRS, Education Department are all cut down recklessly and without fact, findings or rationale.

It goes on and on and on.

Compared to These Firings, Black Hatters Are the Good Guys

I never thought I’d imagine a day when Black Hat consultants were considered the ‘good guys,’ but compared to these firings, I’d take a Black Hatter any day.

I say, ?Bring them all back. Or we ‘regular’ civilians will curse the day when it’s our time to get our passports renewed, mail a letter, get onto a flight, or find ourselves needing something from our government.

America only work when Americans work.

Regardless of which agencies these workers worked for, they were working! And earning a living so that they could provide for their families and live the American life we all want.

Anthony P.

Veteran | Technical Leader Customer Delivery Engineering at Cisco

4 天前

Is it cruel when a private sector company indiscriminately and no input from management runs an algorithm based script to generate a list of people to be laid off. Hands the list to management and tells them these are the people that will be cut. Seems cold and callous to me.

David Graham

Operations leadership, unlocking human potential

4 天前

Many of us have been on both sides of this table. No doubt there is waste, but proof is thin or not provided. The cruelty is unconscionable and unacceptable.

Mark Swanson

Kingdom Minded Venture Builder & Investor

4 天前

Julie, I think the change in attitude is primarily because because of two things that have happened over the past decade or so. 1. Americans have had a growing sense of dysfunction, incompetence, waste, fraud, and abuse of our sprawling federal government. 2. Since Covid, there has been a observable digression in the level of service in almost all organizations. Like others, I have many examples of my dissatisfaction of interfacing with a government agency. Just last month, I had to interface with the department of state on a new passport mistake. Because of time requirements, I had to make a trip to the department of state in Washington DC. I was able to book an early morning appointment with a return flight mid afternoon. I was promised that I would be out of there with the passport by 11:30. The trip turned into a debacle and I did not get out of there till that evening. The reason? The buildings Internet was down. How can the nations premiere department accept multiple hours with no access without an apparent backup? The employees are nice the thing that frustrated me is it did not seem like a catastrophic event for them. I’m sure there are others citizens that have stones as well.


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