The New Energy Era

The New Energy Era

From career stagnation to soaring success - is it possible?

Are you an energy industry professional who feel stuck in your professional rut? You've put in the hard work, and climbed the ladder but feel that now you hit the glass ceiling of promotions? The spark is missing. You are always available for extra work and don't refrain from it but daily grind feels mundane, promotions seem elusive, and you wonder if there's more out there for you.

You convince yourself that no one pays more in your position and with your experience but you keep looking for these new job openings from time to time. You are worried that it might be too late for a career change (or even a job change) and you are too tired to try from scratch in a new organisation not to mention a new sector/industry. At the same time, you want to feel needed and appreciated at work and do things that you are passionate about.

If this sounds familiar, do not worry, there is still hope and time for a change! Join us in Menorca, Spain, for a transformative career change retreat for energy professionals and future energy leaders. We will take you on a journey of self-discovery where through a guided step-by-step process you will be able to achieve the fulfilling career you always deserved.

The retreat is held between 1-5 May, 2024 and this is what awaits you:

1) Rediscovering your professional calling based on your unique blend of experience, passion, and talents.

2) Navigating the currents of current energy trends, gearing up for whatever the future holds.

3) Assessing your skills, identifying the gaps to upskill and reskill for a prime spot in the energy job market.

4) Uncovering the energy sector where your expertise can make the most impact effortlessly.

5) Supercharging your career with new daily habits for increased effectiveness and efficiency.

6) Securing your professional journey, finding that sweet spot between job security and fulfilment.

What this retreat is:

  • Exclusive retreat for ambitious energy professionals and leaders of the future
  • Highly intensive workshop where we provide you with the tools and you commit to self-development through making effort, re-learning and getting outside of your comfort zone
  • An assessment of your successes to date and repositioning for further career achievements
  • Career change accelerator to strive in the new energy era
  • Transformative personal journey to obtain job security and the job satisfaction
  • A roadmap for navigating complex energy landscape and preparing yourself for any future professional challenges

What this retreat is NOT:

  • Yet another career development course which is run without the real energy market context
  • Training which focuses on teaching you general concepts which are not relevant for your particular industry, sector, position or location
  • An online course which allows you to obtain yet another certificate
  • Sessions where the instructor and coach is talking at you and your task is to take notes, memorise the content and pass the final assessment
  • Course where your full attention, effort, commitment and self-reflection are not needed
  • A vacation in Spain

Ready for a career makeover? Give your professional life the boost it deserves! Let's make Menorca your launching pad for a more fulfilling career!

Book the New Energy Order retreat via page

Book the New Energy Order retreat via page

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