Everyone assume it is that I got new job and my dream come true. In point of fact start career is the matter to start lifelong inning to uphold endlessly until take leave from job. To execute job have to learn new tools, read new business matter, boost professionalism, quality of work as long as achievable. About each supervisor unspeakable truth is “He/she wishes my subordinate will be like me”, but there are only few examples in real life you will found its match way of working and thoughts of thinking same, try to adopt as senior require. Opposite matter for manager is if s/he can’t discover you as like his/her requirement to work in team, s/he responsible to cop you up with new works so, no matter for take anxiety and demolish your prospective effort to your work place.
Crucial circumstances are the possibility to start with new opportunity for each competitor so doesn’t fear about any challenge come in your profession.
All the fresh executive and beginner think it is that, I will join in a company after completing my education and industrial attachment under a company any and provide me a authentic environment. But reality is different it’s measurable to experience personnel. It’s worldwide truth that all the senior or team leader will spying any staff job execution, culture, attitude, clarifying and submitting any statement.
Job description:
Most of the successful and reputed organization provides employee job description, only few survivals, defaulted company provide confessional job description to employee. Whatever a staff received in his job has to make a note of well and always remain in mind to follow their task. Never wait to executive any task if got black and white job description, just keep note to proper justification for each job before submitting [note previous record for each task if any and authenticate yourself].
To take any job from senior listen first with high concentration and note it for follow up. Always read email cautiously when received and before sending statement, email read again and again, check spelling and key note always.
Promotion and up gradation will not come automatically have to achieve:
For ACR, 360 Degree, MOKPI appraisal procedures have to keep a plan for final result after a year completing. May be everyone will compromise, help, provide floor to perform responsibility but not getting maximum appraisal marks. Its race for staff, they should keep in mind to make it winning race have to well-informed about key performance indicator.
Should think about about this bully peoples to enjoy job life but humble with intelligence comportment execution. Bully team member spying quite handsomely one new employee job and seeking fault of him/her to make out fun and resolve dishonor. If the moment come that someone make fun about new employee remain tempered always for that from rest colleague someone definitely will reply him/her once when possible, so remain positive. Bully approach could be cause of your psychological in balance, feels misfit to work spiritually. Sometimes it cause of your physical illness.
Hang about professional never share your personal and family information with your colleague until they feels you from heart, if anyone feels from your heart don’t await for that s/he will consider his/her endorsement for you if any.
Personal job analytical ways:
Keep to do list, daily note, calendar (Out Look calendar), remain task list to submit to Line Manager, Follow up task to do, letter documentation, important invitation for meeting/organizational function, daily update about business event information if any to be an analyzed personal job to be a successful executive for the next best appraisal.
To do any new task under a new work environment tries to verify previous history from your team member gracefully. If you’re senior provide you any job to do and demand minimum time as required and if it is not possible from your side please note it demand as long you required time from your boss.
Ask any question if necessary for your job handling and made it for you it could be silly, stupid question don’t hesitate at all.
Definitely love your job first; to love your job you have to know the key requirement to sell you job. Know business product selling policy, terms & condition, annual report key indicator, manpower detail, all department & section existing, license, which act follow by company to run, key strength of business product, key weakness to avoid, mission, future target, ownership, history of establishment, price of product, upcoming event in business and how to add new opportunity for product development to highlighting you performance.
If you take job from different stream please memorize always if possible remark your career complete professional education what match up with you responsibility, if required counsel with senior in this same stream job senior job holder or icon professional in your country.
Everyone is his/her life CEO to make it attainable, to make it icon professional in career.
Follow all recent training advertisement to take chance if possible otherwise note it for future based on your development and career requirement.
If you have the requirement first you can achieve the dream position if you haven’t the requirement so how you will be there.
Keep in mind about your posture and gesture to make yourself realistic and graceful than other in your career.
Most of the office follow same gross good manners for their professionalism to phone call, say hello when start talking, meeting, email, taking food, using locker, medical, notice board, emergency situation etc, if any different norm or office etiquette comes in your eyes always note it for next.
Communication is the way to connect with all actions in job it could be unwritten, written, verbal and nonverbal so for this issue perform with your highest courage for constructive career. Before delivered any word to conversation with any just do it yourself, talk with your boss always gracefully in fact when you essential saying no to him/her.
Photo: From website
Abbreviation: ** ACR – Annual Confidential Report, ** MOKPI – Major Objectives Key Performance Indicator
Date: 31 January 2014 | BIHRM Student: 41 Batch, Roll: PE 4165612, Session 2013-2013 | e: [email protected]