The New Economy: Thinking the Unthinkable
Is our current economy broken? If so, is there a viable alternative?
Tim O’Reilly’s new book WTF (What’s The Future and why it’s up to us) begins to map out how we have gone off-course, such as:
- In USA alone, the public subsidizes $153 billion p/year too organizations that pay their workers wages that are unlivable
- The current rules of our economy have encouraged increasing gains to financial shareholders and consumers, with incredible losses to workers and taxpayers - e.g. $153 billion p/year subsidies
- Everyone has self-interest, wanting what is good for me, but a better way to reframe this is when we start paying attention to the self-interest of our society, not living in a bubble
O'Reilly says: “Real breakthroughs come when an entrepreneur doesn’t just use new technology to duplicate what went before or to fine-tune the way the world works now, but to
reimagine how it ought to work … The world as it is is not a given. We can reinvent it.
This article is for those bold leaders that are thinking the unimaginable:
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