A New Earth?

A New Earth?

Ephesians 6:12 King James Version (KJV)

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

As I sit hit isolated in my luxury apartment surveying an empty ghost town that I once called home... My London, I cannot but marvel in bewilderment at the incredible mesmerisingly evil genius, artifice and cunning of the interlocking power of the pyramid structure that has been erected around us to keep us confined in our own frightened juvenile minds while the greatest struggle in human history plays out, hidden in plain sight.

"The Matrix" literally has nothing on this exercise in self enforced economic and mental suicide. The present wicked and evil controllers of this global system must truly be revelling in this, their last moment of glory, the human race pacified like a giant supine sheep farm waiting for their turn in the line at the slaughterhouse. But it is, I can assure you, a pyrrhic victory. Events will soon unfold that will mark a sea change in the evolution of humankind on this planet.

But surely this all must be for our own benefit you cry? The government is doing the right thing, trying to save us all from a "pandemic" and hundreds of thousands of dead: a national catastrophe. Well, shall we example some other "big lies" this utterly morally bankrupt corrupt and lying political system has spoon fed us over the last 10 years to see if there is any shred of evidence for believing this foolishly naive self serving notion.


Apparently, 19 "mujahideen" hijackers with limited flight training in cessna light aircraft managed to outwit the air defences of the worlds only military superpower, execute perfect flight manoevers at 600+ km/h which even trained pilots would struggle with, blow up 2 buildings, and then see to it that they collapsed in free-fall speed (including an adjacent but not actually directly impacted building - building 7). Were it not for the fact that I woke up 2km from the smouldering ruins of this event, I may have gone along with the narrative but unfortunately for the "bad guys", God woke me up that day, as I watched that George Bush on TV warning against "outrageous conspiracy theories", it was plain as day. Subsequent investigations only served to prove the fact that it was all a very well planed inside job.

Iraq WMD

But it was not enough to kill 3000 people in cold blood to "shock and awe" the world into going along with their satanic agenda of permanent war and conquest, they had to now roll out the "big lie" that Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction to kill us all while we sleep "within 45 minutes". Really? As we all now know, history shows a different story...


In the wake of 911, the "international community" sagely decided to invade Afghanistan and remove the Taliban regime from power. Naturally we are all told this is an exercise in liberty and freedom. Nobody notices however that the real reason our troops are fighting and dying in yet another foreign adventure is to restore the trade in Opium.


We invaded Syria on the pretext of toppling an "evil dictator". Conveniently enough said dictator just happened to be making a nuissance of himself by preventing certain oil and gas pipelines from being erected across sovereign Syrian territory that would enrich the usual suspects in the global energy cartels. So in we go moralistic guns blazing and "restore democracy" to a country that never asked for it and was not in any way ready for it. 6 years and much horrible bloodshed later, only curtailed by the timely and decisive intervention of our most hated "enemy" Putin's Russia... the country is a wreck, 400,00 dead, and Isis fanatics spread all over Europe.

The 2008 Financial Crisis

Yes, dear public. It will all be ok if you just pour infinite amounts of tax payer money back into "the system" to bail it out and keep the casino banking system alive just a little bit longer while we fix it all with "clever new regulations" and enhanced statistical computer models. Let me state for the record here: future history will show that the entire international floating exchange rate monetary system was already dead and collapsed WAY BEFORE THE VIRUS HIT.

Decision Time

In summary I think that in the above chronology of the insane historical period we have been living through, we can, or should now see that such foolish notions as "the government is there to help us" belong in kindergarden, to those who have not taken the time to start peeling back the layers of the filthy rotten onion that festers like a giant fattened corpse around the soul of this world.

"Oh come on!" I hear you say. Shit happens, the world was always corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. True... so then why on earth did we ever allow "the system" to exercise such power over our lives to begin with? The power to start and maintain wars of aggression and conquest based on lies and propaganda? For the simple reason that we consistently failed to admit to ourselves that we had been duped, fooled and lied to. And so we carried on day to day drinking our kool aid, watching TV and pretending it was all ok. So go ahead, tell that to the Syrians, the Iraqis, the Libyans, the countless millions of Africans suffering under the aegis of a debt based international monetary system that prevents progress and growth.

Wherever you are, it is time to rise up, reject fear, reject control and take your country back. Take it back for your mother, your father, your brothers and sisters, your neighbours who are suffering and cannot feed their children. We are all in this together and we simply cannot take any more of this and still look ourselves in the mirror every day and pretend to be human beings of dignity and pride, heirs to a form of constitutional government that many died to create and protect.

Never ever will the human spirit submit to slavery. Every known case in history where the totalitarian impulse reared its ugly satanic inter-dimensional head to menace humanity and all that we are and all that we stand for as beings of pure love and spiritual power, the reaction has been fierce, determined and uncompromising. It may not be immediate, or decisive, but it will rise, it will seep like radiant water into every tiny rotten orifice of the system which oppresses it until finally in one explosion of power and freedom , the control grid, in whatever form it arises, is destroyed.

Some say big change is coming this Easter Weekend. I pray to god and everything I hold dear they are right. It was not for nothing that I chose that quote at the top of this article. At many dark moments of my life when I felt I was literally battling demonic spirits and forces in my immediate surroundings, this passage spoke to me as the most efficient expression of the fundamental reality of things. We are not flesh and blood, we are spirit. And it is high time we started to act like it! What is fear to us when we are beings of immortality... we cannot die, except that we choose to live in darkness cowering from our own shadows!

Whatever you, we all decide at this critical moment, history is always the decisive arbiter of such things.

Amos Beer

SME owners: accelerate business growth.

1 年

Ryan, thanks for sharing!



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