The New Dubsado Form Builder
Great news!
Dubsado just launched a new form builder that they’ve been working on for quite some time.
What’s the difference?
The biggest difference vs. the previous version is the ability to stretch content and images to the full width of your screen - removing the large whitespace around your form, making your forms look more like a website.
In this blog post, I’ll take you through the new form builder and show you how to use it.
Features of the new Dubsado form builder
Legacy mode
The legacy mode is there to protect forms that are coded from getting messed up with the new form builder.?
If your form does not have CSS code, you can turn this off. The cool thing is that legacy mode is set per each form, so you can turn it off for a single form and leave it on for others.?
To turn the legacy mode off, go to the form menu(left hand side menu), go to the form settings tab, scroll down and toggle the legacy mode on or off.?
Once you turn legacy mode off, you might have to move things around and play with spacing, padding and margins to space things properly.
If your form does have code you can keep the legacy mode on until January 31, 2023. After that the old form builder will no longer be available.?
If you’ve purchased a CSS coded form - the provider will likely offer updates soon about any changes.?
Containers - or what used to be called columns - are simply a way to group your content. The new form builder has the following settings for containers:
Even if your form content is structured in a single column - it’s a good idea to place your elements inside of a container. This helps you to duplicate multiple elements at the same time, drag them to another part of the form, or style the container by adding a background image or color.
Containers with background image AND background color
The container below has a background image AND a background color. The image opacity is 5% to make the image less visible for the text to be readable, but still add a visual element to the section.?
Containers inside of containers
The section below is three column container with a beige background, 100% width and 80px padding at the top and bottom.
In each of the three columns of this exterior container, I inserted another container that has a single column.
The interior containers have a white background and inside each container I added an image (the orange icons) and text block. Each column has 30px padding at the top, bottom, left and right to give some breathing room between the columns.?
This container looks like a section from a website. Which is why I’m so excited about containers.?
Using full width images
Full width images are one of the amazing features of the new dubsado form builder which allow your forms to look more like your website.?
Previously, this was something that needed to be done with a CSS code.?
You can choose to add a container that uses an image as a background - and then add text on top of it. This works great as a header section.
Or you can add a container with an image inside it - which can serve as a section all on its own. This works well as a divider.
In the example below the exterior container has two columns with an image as a background. The container width is 100%, the content width is 85% and there is no padding or margins.
The left hand side column has another container inside it with text and a white background. This container has 50px padding all around and 200px margin at the top and bottom.
This allows you to mimic a website hero section really closely.
Adding elements
You have several ways of adding new elements to your form.
You can drag and drop elements from the element library on the left hand side directly into your form, or you can hover over any element and click the plus sign to select an element to add directly below it.
Within a container you’ll see a plus sign inside each column, click that and the list of element options will pop up for you to add them inside the column.
Editing text inline
I love this new change.
Double click a text box or any other element that has text that can be customized - like questions or packages - to make changes inline.
Click the checkmark at the top left of the element or click another spot in the form to complete your change.
Another cool feature, is that simply clicking on an element will open up the settings of that specific element in the left hand menu.
Form navigation panel
The form builder itself looks a bit different now. The options and settings are all on the left hand side navigation panel, and the following panels or tabs are now visible:
Advantages of the new Dubsado form builder
After using the form builder for a while, I believe it offers:
What would I like to see added?
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Let’s work together!
Need help setting up your Dubsado account? I can help you with a Done for you Dubsado setup. We start by mapping out the client process you want, then I build all the assets and workflows in Dubsado for you and teach you how to use it. You also have access to support for 30 days after it's all done.
To learn more, book a free discovery call where we’ll talk about where you need help, and if it makes sense we can talk about what it’s like to work together.