New DTM Collection 06/2016 released
All DTMs for adjustment of VEGA sensors and signal conditioning instruments are now available in DTM Collection 06/2016. Beside the new PACTware 5.0, the new version con-tains various extensions for existing DTMs.
In addition to the existing FDT 1.2-DTMs, PACTware 5.0 now supports FDT 2-DTMs and is thus ready for the future.
Beside the VEGA Bluetooth DTM and PLICSCOM DTM, wireless communication with Bluetooth-capable VEGA instruments can be carried out via a PC/laptop with the external Bluetooth USB adapter. In addition to wireless app operation via smartphone and tablet, wireless DTM operation with all plics? sensors produced since 2002 is now also possible. The functional content of a DTM is always the same whether operating wirelessly or via cable.
The new DTMs of course supersede the older DTMs of the same series. Compatibility across all instrument versions is ensured. This means that the user can completely adjust and operate all instrument generations with the latest release of the DTM Collection.