A New Doctor

A New Doctor

We couldn't have had a more beautiful morning with the near-calm wind and bright sun, and since it was Sunday, I made sure to get to office early enough so not to be disturbed in my quiet corner while conducting my personal contemplative prayer session. Now that winter's coming on and my office taking longer to heat up so early, I found an old woolen wrap to place over my shoulders to keep me warmed. I now endearingly refer to it as my "prayer shawl". I'm not certain what box of croakers I found it in, but after carefully washing it, it looks just like new. I'd wager by its pattern design, it was something sold back in the 1970's. One would've thought the moths had eaten holes in it by now, but actually there's not a one to be found.

My session was another good one where I walked out of that room with all my darkness of last week washed away, and readied for another work week ahead. Now please, don't think I'm trying to convert any of you when saying I strongly recommend everyone to set aside twenty minutes or half hour, and quietly begin inward reflections. The most important, is to be somewhere comfortable and darkened enough to where you're not being annoyed by excessive lighting. I will warn you that it may take a good dozen or more sessions before you start noticing marked differences, but keep in mind, what I do is not something new because it's been around for many hundreds and possibly thousands of years, and just now coming more into the mainstream with all its different definitions and methods attached. All I can say, is if it works for you, then go for it.

Before my morning appointment arrived, I decided to call a dear one to tell her I had a gift ready to give if she were free. She said she was, go I took my cute little wooden box with its hinged lid which I'd filled with three varieties of pine cones I've been gathering this Fall. When I got there I said, "Happy Thanksgiving", and handed it to her. I didn't have time to visit due to my wanting to get back to my office in case my clients were early, but when I returned, I called her to say I did wash that wooden box before placing them inside. She couldn't have thanked me enough because she's always had a thing for such wooden boxes. I suggested she get a few evergreen sprigs and maybe several red Christmas tree balls, and then being able to use it as a centerpiece for both holidays. I truly enjoy gifting such natural things our dear Mother Nature has so artfully created.

About five minutes later my sellers arrived to spill their signatures on a number of transfer documents, and since that acreage has fractured ownerships, there were two separate sets needing to be signed. I was happy one of the sellers actually apologized for being overly-snippy with me over the months I had it listed, which I did appreciate because most don't have enough selflessness left in them to step up to the plate and say "I'm sorry." for something they said or did. I smiled while saying, "Thank you, but you're words weren't even in the same solar system of what I've undeservedly had thrown at me in recent years." Yes, that was a remarkable gesture on his part.

After all signatures and notaries were affixed, I made copies of everything they signed for their future reference, and all that's left now, is for me to walk down to the closing agency tomorrow morning and deliver those documents, sign a few papers, and pick up checks. The owner said he was going to meet the new owner out there before noon tomorrow, and I believe his only reason being, is to hand over his keys and share a few sentimental stories about that acreage. As I told him this morning, "The longer a person owns a property, the more psychologically attached to it they become.", and you can be sure, there've been some tears he's shed over that sale which was very much normal.

After they left, I changed my clothes and headed out to work on my little/big project, and since the wind wasn't blowing so hard, I managed to get some additional exterior work done, and for the strangest of reasons, I was finding myself often stopping just so to enjoy the essence of the day which for me, was very un-natural because I've always been one who's hated the month of November. Today was very much the opposite because I found myself wishing I could capture each and every moment and hold it for eternity. It was as if I were hyper-aware of my surroundings and seeing every tree branch and turned leaf, transforming itself into a work of art. I'm now wondering if anyone else had such experiences while outdoors today. Whatever it was, it actually made it all the way to my core.

The agent who showed 115 S. Connecticut late this morning, sent me a text saying the buyers were very interested, but still working on getting their finances in order so to get pre-approved. I wasn't the least bit surprised to hear of yet another's interest, and perhaps the general public is finally waking up to the fact that it truly is a gracious home located in our City's "Crescent of Culture."

After I finished up on my project, I stopped over to 115 S. Connecticut to make sure all the lights were off and doors locked, and while walking thru, I was once again of the belief that she's waiting for a perfect fit. While there, an interesting thought crossed my mind which really made sense, and that being my putting the word out to our medical community because I'm convinced it would make a wonderful home for a new doctor coming to town. I've been hearing more of our Country's young general practitioners being of the mindset that less is more to where they're not of the "old school" where they're push pills for every ache and pain, along with not ordering un-necessary tests.

Wouldn't it be great if all our young doctors would take the time to truly listen to their patients instead of pigeon-holing or compartmentalizing them due to their age, weight, or underlying issues. As far as I'm concerned, everyone's body is different which is why general practitioners have got to treat each and every patient in very particular ways.

Tonight's One-liner is: Death is the ugly fact which Mother Nature has to hide, and she hides it well.

original post ... https://niowarealty.net/mason-city-2/2020/11/22/a-new-doctor/


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