New Discovery Centre at Bath Abbey
Ben Gammon
Freelance museum professional - exhibition and programme development, audience research & strategic planning
I finally got to see the new Bath Abbey Discovery Centre that I have been helping to develop over the last few years. The Discovery Centre tells the fascinating story of the three churches that have stood on the site - an Anglo-Saxon Monastery, a Norman Cathedral and the late medieval church we see today.
Working with with the Abbey's Head of Interpretation Dr Oliver Taylor, and ABG Design UK I was involved in devising the interpretation strategy, commissioning specialist exhibit developers and drafting the script for the exhibition text and accompanying guide-book. It has been an intriguing project. The Abbey is not only a major heritage site but a thriving centre of worship and community outreach.
The history of the site is a story of resilience in the face of adversity. Over the centuries the churches have been robbed, burnt, graffitied, and damaged by wars.?
Here are some of my favourite exhibits from the exhibition
These stone carvings come from the original Anglo-Saxon monastery, and the Norman Cathedral that replaced it. They were discovered during various exacations of the site.
This man with his rather splendid moustache is thought to be one of the Norman masons who worked on the Cathedral.
There is also this lovely carving of an angel's head from the Cathedral.
These are tiles from the floor of the Norman Cathedral. I was lucky enough to see some of them in-situ during the most recent excavations. I love the way the illustrations have been added to the labels to help visitors match the interpretation to the artefacts.
Perhaps my most favourite part of the exhibition is the set of try-on replica medieval cloths - monk's and abbess' habits; and the traditional garb of a medieval pilgrim - cloak, staff, and a hat with pilgrim badges. We commissioned the costume historian Meridith Towne to develop these costumes. She uses traditional textiles, colours and fastenings to create an authentic experience of wearing medieval clothing. You can find out more about her work at
The accompanying graphic panels provide illustrated instructions for how to put the clothing on, plus background historical content that Meridith helped us produce.
I spent quite a lot of time watching visitors trying on these costumes - adults just as much as children.
As part of the re-development project, Bath Abbey has installed a new heating system powered by the waste hot water from the neighbouring Roman Baths. ATS developed this lovely animated film about the new heating system.
ATS also developed this lovely animation showing the history of the site and how the monastery and cathedral would have appeared.
The new Discovery Centre has been open to the public 10.00 - 17.30 Monday to Saturday; and Sunday 13.15 - 14;30, and 16.30 - 18:30. Admission is included in the ticket price for the Abbey.
To find out more about the exhibition, and the Footprint redevelopment project see
Congratulations. It looks fantastic and was clearly such a rewarding project to be involved in, alongside so many talented partners.