NEW DIGITALIZED ERA.Evolution or Illusion?

NEW DIGITALIZED ERA.Evolution or Illusion?

We live in the confrontation of the new era and new digital form with robots, drones, IoT, AI, 5G, quantum communication, satellites, lower language barriers, language, new habits and customs, all integrated and interacting on the one hand, with new capital – labor relationship, bigger individualism given that our once respected roots have been invaded.

Natural and simple: a new convivial environment is established. We will adapt and continue living even better based on the baggage we brought and learned from our ancestors, in other words, nothing new!

Now, everyone is looking for lower costs in budgets made for survival, preparing us for the new digital world and era; more relationships with less personal involvement, adapting to the new times. And in the end, it will be better for everyone.

Wealth generated, progress and a better future guaranteed for everyone!

Human beings are social beings by nature and are the animals that most adapt to changes on this planet! We evolve and gain in the moments when we take care of our own lives, generating wealth that, when produced correctly by entrepreneurs, will result in social well-being and happiness for the populations of the planet, integrated into the new world.

In the end, once the storm of adaptation has passed, everything will calm down like the seas and settle into a new global organization where the only constant is change itself.

What is modern is actually the result of ancestral knowledge applied and reconfigured.
Ancestrality - Image from Pinterest

We relearn by revisiting concepts that are historical, such as the use of organic material (not new!), the use of hydrogen from the air, water and energy from nature, all of this, with the wisdom coming from species to have sustainability, as great technologies They are nothing more than copies of how our ancestors lived and did, as well as the planet's fauna and flora species.

Using the natural predator I am rebuilding the food chain, nothing new, however, less harmful to the ecosystem. The best technology is the one developed by those who have been working the longest. Cultural dynamics!

Instead of destroying or trying to change nature, we can make better use of what already exists, which is also cheaper.

  • Why rebuild or remake when I can better use what exists?
  • Why change what is working well?
  • Always improve or want to reinvent the wheel, why? It would generate waste and be more expensive...

Sustainability is not an ideological option but an economic one.

Resources are finite and, if we do not organize ourselves better to exploit what we have, we will end up harming our own ability to feed this planet, emerging as winners and accumulators of wealth.

The time for being irresponsible is over!

When we had a much smaller global population, it was easier to do but, well, it doesn't work like that anymore and we can't break paradigms by breaking the snail effect of vicious and not virtuoso circles.

Let's move forward and steady, gain space, markets and a lot of money, once our competitors are for a while behind us.

Many fortunes will be made by those who have vision and courage, in this environment similar to that of the American Wild West, or the Industrial Revolution of the European Middle Ages .

American Wild West setting

This may even seem worse, as we haven't experienced the previous ones, but the process is the same. We have to see where the guiding winds are blowing and learn to position ourselves with the current and not against it.

There are no Fantasy Islands and no politicians above this movement if we don't let them. Let us be the new and renewing leaders who knew how to look to the future and invested everything we could in it. And won! And with these, the new wave of population thus adapted, integrated and happy.

But how?!

Simply understanding that this is just the beginning of this new phase of transition and taking the right direction. In the past, many did not understand simple rules such as Kodak, IBMs , Xerox, and others that fell by the wayside in history.

And then?

Then, good history repeats itself...

New entrepreneurs who positioned themselves correctly, choosing, believing and having courage. They knew how to read trends well and invested.

These will be the new leaders of old companies that have adjusted or new ones that have conquered the new world. It is not illusion, but reality! They will made money, created new jobs, demanding in this new scenario and generating wealth as it should be in the new old scenario created in the past by our ancestors.

Brazilians, we have enormous comparative advantages, however, don't give time for competitors to position themselves better geopolitically and we miss this chance, because no matter how good we are in terms of the internal market, production and productivity, we are not absolutely invulnerable, but rather exposed to the interests of richer nations and more favored by their own histories and situations that emerge from larger global markets.

Our oasis cannot be believed as inviolable protection!

Let's be simple, practical, courageous, fast and with a global vision. Take a position and space in the market with gains in your pockets and taking good care of your own business.

In this way, we will become increasingly stronger, in accordance with Brazil's optimal natural conditions, with the quality of our entrepreneurs and society. This is what we should know and do.

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About the author

Antonio Iafelice - CEO Consultant | Advisor to the Superior Agribusiness Council - COSAG/ FIESP | Senior Operational Executive | Expert in Agribusiness | Creation of companies covering all phases of the business.

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