Florin Cozmuta
Personal Performance Coach, Martial Artis, Racing Driver, Senior Project Manager, Business Consultant, Business Owner.
Whats stopping you?
Let's start the change right now! Yes, YOU stop whatever you are doing, shut down the noise and cut through distractions, be honest with yourself, it is your life at the end of the day... you know...
Ask yourself some questions and really take time to answer them...
1. What do YOU really WANT ??? if there would be no limitations what so ever what would you do, where would you be, what would you have, with whom... imagine that you have all the money in the world, all the time you need, and whatever you use to see as a limit it is now gone... don't be afraid to dream... and dream big! (it takes the same amount of work to dream small as it takes to dream BIG)
2. What do you really care about ??? what is most important to you in life ...?
3. How bad do you want it ? is it just a SHOULD, is it the old every New Years resolution ???, are you going to wait for the x, y, and z to be perfect before you do it ??? OR is it a burning, MUST happen desire where you are totally determined and ready to face anything in your path to get to your goals???
Let's START this journey together, let's allow ourselves to dream big again and let's go for it with all we have !!!
Pull out a piece of paper and start writing all your goals down, make them your own, tell everyone about them and make them real, make them visual and place them all over your place as daily reminders, and let's start running our lives from our ideal future !
There is a chance that you will run into problems right from the get-go,
"but I don't know what I want"
you would say, "and I cant do all this imagining crapp" ...
and that's ok, this means you just discover you have limiting beliefs and before you can move forward you have some work to do on those suckers :)
But regardless of whats in the way, we can all do it so don't wait for the right time, that will never come, you been given this life with a purpose so don't waste it with fear and doubts!
Reach out when you are stuck, there are people who care out there!