??The New Designer: The Next Level in Algorithmic Trading??

??The New Designer: The Next Level in Algorithmic Trading??

For professionals and enthusiasts of algorithmic trading, there's great news: The Designer has been released in a new version, full of improvements and innovations!

We have completely redesigned our Designer. It took a long time, and it was worth it. There are a huge number of new features, accelerations, and radically new capabilities!For those who are receiving our newsletter for the first time - what is the Designer? It is a unique program where you can make trading robots without programming. Absolutely! Everything is done at the level of block diagrams, which even children learn.


But let's go through the points on how the Designer differs from other platforms:

  1. The Designer supports both cube mode and C# code. Why? Why not!? The program is convenient for both those who cannot program at all and those who have basic knowledge.
  2. Our cubes are not just a limited set. First, they are elementary, which makes them flexible in completely different scenarios of use (they are NOT tailored to specific strategies, any strategies will do!). Secondly, you can create cubes yourself right inside the Designer. You can create cubes from code, or you can create cubes from cubes!
  3. The Designer can download the necessary history by itself. This function is built-in. But for those who want more convenience - there is Hydra. Hydra downloads data, the Designer uses it.
  4. The Designer is FREE????. Yes, that's right! For all private traders, we have a special tariff plan. In it, you can use one connector for free. For real trading (not demo, real trades)! Any. Stock exchange, crypto exchange, forex - it doesn't matter. You can choose any! And this is a lifetime privilege. No need for card entry or any verification. Just register on our website, install the Installer - the entry point to our platform (Assign, install and work with S#.Installer.), and there choose the connector that suits you.
  5. You don't need to go through any registrations for referral programs, change one broker tariff to another. Your existing tariff with your existing broker is already compatible with our programs.
  6. You can create your connectors. We don't hide documentation, we don't ask for money for it! All documentation is online. Moreover, the connector to the BitStamp exchange as an example is on our GitHub repository. We welcome everyone who wants to create connectors, and we are ready to help you.
  7. Our core is completely open source. All algorithms, backtesters, data storage format, and so on - it's not closed, but open!

Let's Communicate

We have long been using an automatic bug report system from our users. As soon as you encounter an error, we know about it within a minute. We are always invisibly with you, this invisible channel between you and our error analysis system works 24/7. And don't worry, we only send system error information. Your secret data stays on your computer and nowhere else.But what if you want to communicate? Then let's communicate! We are opening our channel - where in chat mode all users have access to our managers and developers. It's already here!

What's Next

In all subsequent news, we will gradually tell you about all the innovations. This letter is for everyone who is interested in the new. Stay subscribed, it will be very interesting! )Guys, don't forget about our communication means - these are of course our mail newsletters. It's our YouTube channel (it will be filled to the brim with new videos about our new approach in algotrading). And our social media groups. Subscribe, press likes! It's very nice to receive positive emotions from you.

Ahead are New Horizons

This update opens new horizons in algorithmic trading. With the Designer, every user is already an algotrader, the intuitive logic of cubes does not require programming knowledge, which means creating your own trading strategy is available to everyone right now!.In general, the new version of the Designer is a significant step forward for everyone involved in algorithmic trading. Start using the new features today! (for existing users: Installer update required)Thank you all.



