Nona McCollough Lang
Business Partner @ Tower Garden & Juice Plus | Public Speaking
Hello Everyone, this message is for certain people. You know who you are. I hope and pray in Yahshua's name that you will read the words below and be comforted with hope and great anticipation to experience the necessary changes that is needed in your life. As you stand forgive; for it is the will of the Father. To hate anything other than sin is evil and a shame. We have great hope and in accords to the Word of YAH.
Today is a new day so let us rejoice and be glad it.
For it is only then that you can appreciate the treasures that each day holds.
If you need help get the book Fountain of Truth Uncovering the Devil's Lies and get the victory over your enemies.
Links to book Fountain of Truth, Uncovering the Devil’s Lies.