New Data Show That Majority of Parents Unaware of Their Child's Performance !
New Data Show That Majority of Parents Unaware of Their Child's Performance !
Awareness gap sidelines parents in supporting their child’s learning, underperformance predicted to stifle future learnings ,
Many Parents Don't Know the Full Picture of Their Child's Performance !
Research reports says, How Good Grades Can Sideline Parents, finds that while nearly eight in 10 parents (79%), say their child is receiving mostly B’s or better and almost nine in 10 believe their child is at or above grade level in reading (88%) and math (89%),
They may not be seeing the full academic picture. Parents’ perceptions of their child’s performance deviate sharply from other measures, including standardized test scores, that suggest less than half of children are performance at grade level. As a result, children may not receive the academic support they need.To address the gap between parents’ perceptions of their child’s academic performance and reality,
AGXL has partnered with over the 500 plus school to launch “Go Beyond Grades,” a national campaign in all subjects topic, For families and educators to find tools, and assess.
For more information, visit findings highlight the critical need for parents and teachers to team up for their children’s success.Parents are unlikely to get their children the targeted support they need when they do not know their children are not on grade level. If left unaddressed,