New cycle of crime and criminal justice data collection is launched

New cycle of crime and criminal justice data collection is launched

On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is launching a new data collection cycle of the United Nations?Survey on Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS).

The UN-CTS is the agreed upon instrument to collect data on the incidence of reported crime and the operations of criminal justice systems in line with the International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS).

The UN-CTS consists of two questionnaires in Excel file format: one to collect data and the other for metadata. It is applied on an annual basis. In even years the data questionnaire consists of 7 modules, while in odd years it has 6 modules. Consequently, this year the CTS will collect data on: Intentional Homicide, Violent Crimes, Other Crimes, Prisons, Criminal Justice System Personnel, Criminal Justice System Process, and Victimization.

Through the data questionnaire, Member States report data on the incidence of crime and the operations of criminal justice systems. The definitions of crimes are in line with the International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS), which contributes to data comparability over time and between countries. It also provides common counting rules and standardized labels for data disaggregation.

The OAS’ Department of Public Security (DPS) is UNODC’s partner for the implementation of the UN-CTS process in the Americas. Last year, 31 OAS Member States submitted their responses to CTS. The DPS provides support to Member States’ National Focal Points and participating institutions along the process to ensure data completeness and consistency.

Through the analysis of the UN-CTS data, it is possible to identify crime trends at the national level and reach un understanding on how the criminal justice system works. In turn, the CTS promotes a culture of reporting emphasizing the importance of producing and providing reliable, valid, and timely data.

The data reported by OAS Member States through the UN-CTS is made available through the Inter-American Security Observatory:?


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