New Critter Stack Features

New Critter Stack Features

JasperFx Software offers custom consulting engagements or ongoing support contracts for any part of the Critter Stack. Some of the features in this post were either directly part of client engagements or inspired by our work with JasperFx clients.

This week brought out some new functionality and inevitably some new bug fixes in Marten 7.38 and Wolverine 3.10. I’m actually hopeful this is about the last Marten 7.* release, and Marten 8.0 is heavily underway. Likewise, Wolverine 3.* is probably about played out, and Wolverine 4.0 will come out immediately after Marten 8.0. For now though, here’s some highlights of new functionality.

We also had a contributor knock out several unrelated bug fixes immediately after the feature release, and I kind of prefer having bug fixes out as quickly as possible, so there's also a Marten 7.38.1 release too.

Delete All Marten Data for a Single Tenant

A JasperFx client has a need to occasionally remove all data for a single named tenant across their entire system. Some of their Marten documents and the events themselves are multi-tenanted, while others are global documents. In their particular case, they’re using Marten’s support for managed table partitions by tenant, but other folks might not. To make the process of cleaning out all data for a single tenant as easy as possible regardless of your particular Marten storage configuration, Marten 7.38 added this API:

public static async Task delete_all_tenant_data(IDocumentStore store, CancellationToken token)
    await store.Advanced.DeleteAllTenantDataAsync("AAA", token);

Rabbit MQ Quorum Queues or Streams with Wolverine

At the request of another JasperFx Software customer, Wolverine has the ability to declare Rabbit MQ quorum queues or streams like so:

var builder = Host.CreateApplicationBuilder();
builder.UseWolverine(opts =>
        // You can configure the queue type for declaration with this
        // usage as well
        .DeclareQueue("stream", q => q.QueueType =
        // Use quorum queues by default as a policy
        // Or instead use streams
        // Override the queue type in declarations for a
        // single queue, and the explicit configuration will win
        // out over any policy or convention

Note that nothing in Wolverine changed other than giving you the ability to make Wolverine declare Rabbit MQ queues as quorum queues or as streams.

Easy Access to Marten Event Sourced Aggregation Data in Wolverine

While the Wolverine + Marten “aggregate handler workflow” is a popular feature for command handlers that may need to append events, sometimes you just want a read only version of an event sourced aggregate. Marten has its FetchLatest API that lets you retrieve the current state of an aggregated projection consistent with the current event store data regardless of the lifecycle of the projection (live, inline, or async). Wolverine now has a quick short cut for accessing that data as a value “pushed” into your HTTP endpoints by decorating a parameter of your handler method with the new [ReadAggregate] attribute like so:

public static Order GetLatest(Guid id, [ReadAggregate] Order order) => order;        

or injected into a message handler similarly like this:

public record FindAggregate(Guid Id);
public static class FindLettersHandler
    // This is admittedly just some weak sauce testing support code
    public static LetterAggregateEnvelope Handle(
        FindAggregate command, 
        [ReadAggregate] LetterAggregate aggregate)
        => new LetterAggregateEnvelope(aggregate);

This feature was inspired by a session with a JasperFx Software client where their HTTP endpoints frequently needed to access projected aggregate data for multiple event streams, but only append events to one stream. This functionality was probably already overdue anyway as a way to quickly get projection data any time you just need to read that data as part of a command or query handler.


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