New Course Offering for Spring 2020
A new course is being offered for the Spring 2020 Semester at Middle Georgia State University. It is open to all majors with some hardware/OS experience or IT majors who have taken 2215. Contact [email protected] for more information about this exciting new course.
ITEC 4299 Special Topics in IT: Legacy Hardware and Operating Systems Support
Covers instruction on processors, input/output, peripheral devices, memory management and basic OS architecture of 1970s-2000s computing. Class will be responsible for the maintenance of the Museum of Technology’s collection. Students will be expected to conduct education events at the museum, present at local conferences, and/or present at the Vintage Computer Festival Southeast. Stipends may be available to cover travel expenses. Prerequisite: ITEC 2215 or Permission of the Instructor
Learning Objectives
1. Identify and discuss different types of legacy computer components and software.
2. Differentiate between various legacy operating systems.
3. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of several computer storage devices.
4. Apply methods to maintain and troubleshoot legacy computers.
5. Compare the various types of specialized input and output devices.
6. Educate others of the importance of preserving legacy systems and the necessity of understanding their contribution to modern systems.