A New Costume for Harlequin
Tullio Barrecchia
Author Winner The Golden Wizard Book Prize ; Founder and Director of The Theatrical Company “ The New Comedy of Art”; Mr Motivator and Athlete. IPHM Qigong and T’ai Chi ,Meditation Coach .Actor, Dancer , Choreographer.
The Entertainment will be top class with our Exclusive Interactive Comedy called A New Costume for Harlequin: Harlequin absolutely must change his old costume if he wants to marry the beautiful Colombine. A Magic Basket with many surprises ,live song with Maestro Musico and lot of dancing.You will breath a special and magic atmosphere.
New adventures, new themes, new characters and a new way of making theater.
Un teatro fantastico to spark your imagination ,to fill you with a sense of wonder and love.
This is not our show but your show so be prepared to be super-involved.