New COP21 SeaLevelTV Series featured on The Inertia
Very recently, ministers from 195 countries adopted by consensus a legally binding agreement to fight climate change.
SeaLevelTV's Jeff den Broeder traveled to Paris to attend the United Nation's conference on climate change, referred to as COP21. While there, he met up with many different activists seeking to ensure protections for the ocean.
This first part in our COP21 series features Surfrider Foundation Europe CEO, Stéphane Latxague. He discusses the importance of Surfrider’s presence at the conference, noting, “There’s no way we couldn’t be at the COP (United Nations Conference of Parties)…whatever way you want to tackle the climate issue, you cannot neglect the fact that the oceans were not represented during the Conference of Parties negotiations and so we are here to make the voice of the ocean heard.”
He continues, “The ocean is the lung of the planet…science has proven that the ocean is key to climate regulation…but what’s next?”
Watch it here:
About The Inertia
The Inertia is the new voice of the ocean, mountain, and outdoors – featuring news, opinions, photography, videos and art from the community’s most talented individuals. Founded in 2010, The Inertia reaches 1.5 million+ readers monthly and aims to make sustainable impacts on the world via partnerships with charitable organizations.
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