New Concept of Time Management

New Concept of Time Management

Today the number of jobs is not only growing in Quality but also in Quantity. Managing time becomes an important part so various concepts emerge for managing time. such as Urgent and Important counselling, or the concept of Work-Life Balance, POMODORO and so on.

However, the approach to managing time through tactical spaces may no longer be useful, because it is not only the quantity that must be regulated, but the quality of the work that must also be directed.

Setting the amount of time allocation that ignores the problem of quality of work will make us have a lot of time but do useless things later on.

Many Supervisors and Managers do important things urgently but in the end, regret not using their time better. So the problem is in the quality of the work.

I think there are several other important aspects that we can use to manage our time.

1. Identify low-value tasks

The work must be divided into two parts, namely Low Task and High Task. it means we have to work on determining the quality of work rather than looking only at whether the job is important or not. because the important dimension only looks at aspects of the present that have an impact on the future, while the High-Value Task looks at the value of today and its value in the future.

2. Decide whether to drop, delegate, or redesign

Jobs with low value must be able to be sorted and then put in the DROP box (meaning they are ignored or given to someone else), DELEGATE (meaning they are immediately delegated because they still have value) or REDESIGN (meaning trying to add value to the job so that can be High Value). This requires courage and careful thinking because it will certainly have an impact on the organization and team.

3. Off-load tasks

Not all job lists have to be taken. Sometimes we fall into micromanaging so that we are sucked into an endless but tiring work process. If the work is of low value and consumes a lot of energy, immediately Off Load.

4. Allocate free-up time

Working endlessly is useless and has an impact if we don't regularly assess the value level. Like buying jewellery, we must be observant to see which jewellery is of high value and has an aesthetic that elevates our charm. Stop for a moment and rethink the value of work, it needs to be done.

5. Commit to your plan

After all judgments, considerations and actions have been planned, don't be easily distracted by things that mess up the plan. Run and be consistent


