New company Ambrose Healthcare Supports Rare Disease Day
Ambrose Healthcare
We're on a mission to help diagnosis and get new drug treatments into the hands of rare disease patients. Quickly.
The U.S. NIH recognises some 7,000 rare diseases[1], affecting around 400 million people globally[2], for which approximately 600 therapies have been approved to date by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration[3]. As such there is still much to be done to close this gap.
Ambrose Healthcare Ltd, a new company formed to address the needs of the global rare disease community, supports #RareDiseaseDay. Ambrose Healthcare is a specialist pharmaceutical company established to develop and provide treatments for rare diseases and the unmet medical needs of patients managed in a hospital or specialist care setting.
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For more information please contact:
Ambrose Healthcare
Toby Wilson Waterworth, CEO
Adam Michael, Director of Communications
+44 777 588 1813
1. U.S. National Institutes of Health (
2. CamRARE – Cambridge Rare Disease Network (
3. National Organization for Rare Disorders (