New EU's Common Technology Program
Declaration of EU's Sustainable Common Technology Program (SCTP) to Safeguard EU's Assets.
The Sustainable Common Technology Program (SCTP) is the new EU Administration’s comprehensive approach to guarding our citizens’ privacy, our companies’ most sensitive information and member states economies from aggressive intrusions by malign actors, intelligence monopolies and government not committed to open and free market policies. EU needs to launch eight new lines of strategic efforts to protect European critical telecommunications networks, technology infrastructure, education systems, innovation systems, infant industry and foundations of our political values - open, free and rule based economy. The era of control is over - Europe must liberate itself from costly "iron arm" and hostile "big brother" technology surveilance.
These eight programs are rooted in internationally accepted digital trust standards and built upon the SCTP path initiative, announced on early 2020, to secure local European software and hardware safeguarding our own data traveling in networks in devices and things in Europe and into EU member states diplomatic facilities overseas and within the Europe.
The eight new policy lines toward Sustainable Common Technology Program (SCTP) are as follows:
#1 Common Infrastructure: To ensure untrusted actors and carriers are not connected with Europe's telecommunications networks. Such companies pose a danger to Europe's national security and should not provide international telecommunications services to and from the Europe.
#2 Common Commerce: To remove untrusted applications from European mobile, telecom and satellite networks. Such hostile apps threaten our privacy, proliferate viruses, and spread propaganda and disinformation. Europe's most sensitive personal and business information must be protected on their personal and business devices from exploitation and theft for the hostile actor’s illegal benefit.
#3 Common Software: To prevent the untrusted and hostile use of software technology products and services on European grounds by citizen, companies, public sector and governments. The European’s are in big danger to lose competitiveness and own industry delivering sustaining software engineering and product development skills, competencies and know-how. European companies, public authorities and governments should remove and stop using hostile software violating European laws and leading to outsourcing of innovation and economic growth.
#4 Common Hardware: To prevent untrusted and hostile smart device manufacturers from pre-installing –or otherwise making harware available for use – Europe must establish trusted hardware design, engineering and manufacturing to deliver components to smart devices. Enterprises collaborating with surveillance state, are trading our the innovations, data and reputations of leading to devolution of European citizens, companies, public authorities and governments. Our European companies should remove and not use such hardware to ensure they are not engaged with a human rights abuse.
#5 Common Services: To prevent EU citizens’ most sensitive personal information, our businesses’ and governments most valuable intellectual property, including IPR, research findings and research plans, from being stored and processed on hostile cloud-based systems accessible to our foreign adversaries through companies supported by actors and governments not following law, order and open market policies.
To prevent untrusted and hostile smart device services from being pre-installed – or otherwise making available for download. Enterprises collaborating with hostile surveillance state, are now trading out our own the innovations, data and reputations leading to regression of European citizens privacy, companies assets, public authorities secuirty and government assets. These companies services and apps should be removed and not be used.
Europe should come out with "trusted apps" store and create own local legal system and process to safequard "EU verified apps" not posing any risks to European citizens, companies, public authorities and goverments.
Europe should come out with trusted open source code repository for "trusted code" and create own local legal system and process to safequard "EU verified code" not posing any risks to European citizens, companies, public authorities and goverments.
#6 Common Connectivity: To ensure the undersea cables, satellite links and telecom hubs connecting our country to the global internet are not subverted for intelligence gathering by the hostile actors and governments at hyper scale. We will also work with foreign partners to ensure that undersea cables, satellite links and telecom hubs around the world aren’t similarly subject to compromise - especially ones on European grounds and at boarders.
#7 Common Skills & Professionalism: To ensure the local development of policies and agendas impacting skills and professionalism in Europe. The hostile agendas can leas to situation where European education system is not service local citizen’s privacy, companies’ competitiveness to grow and innovate and the foremost governments to secure economy, resilience and societal values.
#8 Common Research and Education: To ensure strategic knowledge, skills and technologies access the Europe must invest in locally owned industry research and education collaboration. The lack of investment can lead to void taken over by hostile actors and governments.
Momentum for the Sustainable Common Technology Program (SCTP) program is growing. The Schrems II judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Case C-311/18 - Data Protection Commissioner vs. Facebook Ireland Ltd and Maximillian Schrems II marks clearly that Brussels needs to come out with sustainable common technology policy strategy. The financial impact is estimated to be over 100 billiard € before 2050. Today more than thirty countries and territories are now governed by foreign actors and governments, and many of the world’s biggest telecommunications companies are under this one side control posing severe risk to European assets, economy, privacy and societies as whole.
The Europe calls on all member states, allies and partners in government and industry around the member states to join the growing tide to secure our European data from the hostile surveillance state and other malign entities. Building of European Sustainable Common Technology Program (SCTP) fortress around our citizens’ data will ensure all our nations’ security, assets, economy, privacy and societies as whole.
Key step in gaining Sustainable Common Technology Program (SCTP) is to start implementing European Software Agenda.
Your software competitiveness evangelist,
Mika Helenius
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columnist, writer about "the fluid society", co-founder Themagroep-Digitaal-Soeverein-Europa; co-founder i-mentor Foundation, founder 3-align consultancy
4 年You are right. It is now time to act for Europa. Few more things: Europe should create the opportunity to start European and not national companies. The national regulations are hampering to raise European IT Pkatforms as well as European Software comoanies. Europe should not win by restrictions on outsiders but on stimulating and facilitating European companies