New collaboration SCM-SimBeyond: Multiscale OLED modeling platform
We're very proud to announce our new collaboration with fellow Dutch company @SimBeyond. SimBeyond scientists and software developers are the experts on simulations of opto-electronic processes in disordered systems, such as OLEDs, OPV and OFETs from the mesoscale to the device level. In the Amsterdam Modeling Suite we have powerful capabilities to predict molecular scale properties such as charge transfer, exciton transfer, phosphorescence, thermally delayed activated fluorescence, and other important properties.
By integrating their advanced 3D kinetic Monte Carlo methods to yield device output and lifetime with our atomistic methods to calculate relevant properties of candidate molecules and materials, we aim to provide industrial and academic researchers with a fully integrated multiscale modeling platform to optimize organic electronic devices. Through this integration researchers will have easier access and quicker ways to screen materials and device configurations to develop new OLED displays and improve the performance of existing methods. By reducing the experimental search space we expect vastly reduced development costs and times.
We look forward to learn your challenges and requests! Also check out the news item for the press release: