A New Certified Organic Toothpaste with Fluoride
I have previously reported my concerns about many brands of toothpastes and their ingredients: https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/dale-gerke-b7ba989_here-is-another-thought-provoking-newsletter-activity-7088341512928825344-EjJR?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
For this reason, about a decade ago, I set about developing some oral care products that not only eliminated potentially harmful ingredients, but were also Certified Natural and Organic and Made in Australia. I did this because there could be no doubt about the integrity of the products if they were Certified Organic and made here.
The eventual result was a first-rate Toothpaste and two different types of mouthwash (I have previously posted about HOCl mouthwash). However, the first toothpaste I developed did not have Fluoride added. This was done purposely to cater for specific situations – e.g. infants in areas with fluoridated water and who were less than 3 to 4 years old (since excessive accidental ingestion of fluoride toothpaste can cause fluorosis) and also for patients who did not want fluoride in their toothpaste but also did not want any potentially harmful ingredients included in their toothpaste.
After many years of investigation, I have additionally developed a Certified Organic toothpaste with Fluoride (cleverly using natural bore water with high Fluoride concentration and green tea as well as supplemented Sodium Fluoride). In most circumstances, I advocate and recommend toothpaste with Fluoride (see this document).
I believe this toothpaste may be the only one with the following combination:
·???????? Containing Fluoride, but ALSO
·???????? Certified Natural and Organic AND
·???????? Without potentially harmful ingredients such as SLS or SLES
·???????? Made in Australia
If you have any questions, please message me.
Kind regards
Dale Gerke