New business skills in a holistic view
Dorte Joy Juul
New Collaboration Culture Raising awareness & sustainable mindset via emotional and spiritual learning by CosmosEvolution. For more info +45 30332379
Your choice is your life, how do you choose? & our choice is our life, how we choose?
Behavior and learning situations
Cooperation and community / Collaboration in companies / Cooperation children and adults in between
I study and work with emotional intelligence; we humans do not know that we live as if we have taken the grill into the room. The invisible oxygen disappears, learn to make the unproven up to consciousness, to strengthen your choices and decisions. Only together can we make a difference. We do not dig into the past, as it is the past that has caught up with us.
Format your brain !!!
I was inspired for the article d. 27-7-2017 by a board meeting on leadership in practice, where honesty for respect and self-respect could use some focus.
As a child, you were told that you should behave properly and that you should treat others as you would like to treat yourself. Bullshit, bull shit !! Pure violation.
This is one of many reasons why we have the society we have today. This applies to communities, businesses, schools, families.
Here people as people are trained in the fact that having boundaries (respect) is not good, which means that the confidence to take responsibility for themselves are taken from the individual because one must be good at each other, behave properly. Who should be good to me?
When Jesus was here, he said that what you are looking for will you find!? I do not know much about religion, but a few things I can remember. So, do not fear GOD is with you. I have always believed that there is a purpose in life, it is my belief. I also recognize that it can be hard to see and find in the society you have created. We sit in the consequences of our choices because we have not learned the reason for our choice, and that is to get the understanding of what we say and what we do, going in the same direction *
Now you are laughing, but nobody has learned that now. Take politician
My faith has been the driving force, but when you talk about faith, what lies in the belief we have chosen to believe? I find that many confuse faith with religion, but it is not. Moreover, so it is anyway. Faith is a higher energy, the higher universal source you can pull on. This is where our higher psychological self-comes in. You choose what you want to believe. (Almost) You get much knowledge as a child that you are not part of, what should I use for that? This is where psychology comes in.
You come to earth to learn, but when human beings are washed with what society and parents and other educational institutions experience real or important, yes, you as a human being, children are not permitted to develop themselves. Therefore, we have created a society of dependence, where we must deal with each other because we have not been allowed to live our own responsibility through trust and respect for ourselves and others. Here you draw on negative energy, not living, trusting each other and our life process. You know that children are a product of their parents and their external environment! So why the diagnoses saw children with sick conditions or behavioral problems.
They reflect their parents and their external environment, so here we can already see that we do not live what we know. One has spent several billion on positive psychology, innovative thinking.
However, because we have not learned from taking responsibility, it is hard for many to live what they are reading. They have not learned to think for themselves because what they have got into their heads is reading what others mean through books. So people have not been allowed to think for themselves, and therefore many do not know who they are.
I got a confirmation that it is true, for most. I talked to a young girl who had just left university for 25 years at the school desk.
She told me that it was strange to talk to someone who knew himself and showed so much about signing his own skills, abilities and how things are related. However, I know my weaknesses!
She said that many of them from the class of class could not write an application as they did not know themselves. They had read a lot of knowledge, and now they should first see how they only use it in practice, but when the school is getting a lot of knowledge on the head without having to go with it, it might be difficult, To write an application just after leaving school. Yes, they knew a lot through books but had forgotten themselves. The upbringing and society make losing oneself. Therefore, addiction is created. Because if you do not have a love for yourself, through trust and respect, then you must create it beyond yourself, and that is what we have created. What psychologists and coaches arrive at is that people are under suspicion, the belief in not being good enough. It creates a struggle for confirmation and acknowledgment, etc. Because we have not learned the energy of faith, trust, and respect, you lie in self-confidence and self-esteem to create in freedom.
Because I write everything here because there are things we have not learned in now and most of all to see the whole of our choices and decisions because that is what we are suffering from. The destructive living style (we manifest with the power of the word) Now, we need to create a bridge between wisdom EQ and intellect, if you want balance!
How do you do it? We need to be honest and use each other as reusers for our own personal self-development, in short, we have to turn our whole mind down and start learning from life. That is what I sell.
I wrote earlier that I knew my skills, abilities. I also know my weaknesses. Card: I could not see as a child, and it meant that I had to consider things and then learn that way, I practiced visual thinking strategy by watching and listening. This has caused the search for the cause of problems and challenges as I could not read and study the answers I sought. So together we can strengthen each other, and I seek help for the development of it
One has never learned to live life constructively, to live life constructively is to learn from life, it is GOD's gift to man. To live in trust and respect. In its own self-esteem and self-respect, you rest the belief in our higher self.
We have become so clever today, so we try to protect each other. This deprives you of the responsibility of man.
Focus - Strategy - Balance
After the consequences, format your brain where I described the importance of EQ. How trust and respect strengthen the strategy, through self-esteem and self-respect in the freedom of faith = independence. We must focus on living confidence. Why it is coming here.
I often hear that the strategy is driving a return to shareholders. What it is that makes you choose the focus there; I hope to get answers. * Addiction to plague them. *
The imbalance of the strategy is that who should work this money into the Shareholder; it will be the employees. They just work faster and harder to create an enthusiasm and perhaps competition culture. (It is unquestionable to put the employees up against each other.) Now you are not working with each other but against each other. The workers are not stupid; they know that they are being used to fatten the Shareholders. They have not been asked if they have resolved to bump hairs so that others can get something more of it. You also say that you should treat others as you would like to treat yourself.?
This is a lack of respect for its employees. Moreover, that anger and impotence make people sick. If there are any of the employees who say something, the answer will be that it is the board that says it so that they are not heard or taken seriously. There are 1000 of different examples of these small episodes. This is not just at work, it is schools, home politics, so we run records every year on printing to the hospital network. Doctors know how things are related, but they think about what they miss if they are honest. So in place, they get some pills that cause side effects, so now they get sick. We do not relate to the cause of our problems; we treat symptoms in politics, businesses, schools, etc. Again, lack of respect for others because of lust. The lack of respect covers confidence. The confidence to do nothing and when we do not live in danger. Yes, then, it is an addiction, because of distrust. The world's value base is based on distrust. Here we can see the importance of feeling intelligence! However, we must first learn them, we have three basic feelings, when we act on them, we make joy, so here we can see that happiness is an act from within. Our internal GPS system. The money we spend on destructive strategy, we could give each other fun work environment or development, etc. It is about how we spend our money what energy we are attracting. What we send out is what we get back, so we must look at our motives for our choices and decisions. What we need to train is understanding, because what we say and what we do also go in the same direction, because from there we harvest. So the motive of what we do, we find the strategy.
Visual Thinking Strategies & Artificial Intelligence
My best skills are, Visual Thinking Strategies because I was not stuffed with learning as a child. I had to learn from life by listening and watching, asking the right questions too. The abilities I/we were born with, were not destroyed. I had bad eyes. It was and is my luck today.
Today, after 13 years of Self-Management - Self-Examination. I can develop concepts. Where New Business & Society's culture tells us how self-management and relations based cooperation will be implemented. Learning - Leading and team development for business processes, in-three-dimensional development, and self-management. It`s completely new skills, for new Business and Society`s, and its style under development, but you can help to develop. WISDOM!!! We create problems and challenges to learn from them. Otherwise, we will not cause problems and crisis!!!
Today, I can say how the financial global economic crisis has been created and how psyche and disease are connected. These are just examples, on how the world lives destructively. Here`s how we use our money and resources negatively, they can be turned into profit ??.
It is people who make some choices and decisions, and that creates the consequences we are in. It's has been a patient job, because I must collect most pieces to collect the puzzle on human behavior.
Positive psychology and inversion thinking, using the Visual Thinking Strategies that the human being is born with. That's what I can help people open up again. With a new mindset or more another approach. There are things we have not learned yet.
My audience is people, as we are our own creator! I can turn to schools, institutions, companies; virtually anything with people where I enter is where the coach and psychologists stop.That's where things hang together in a whole. What I call creation, in processes to see coherence!!!
Where we need to find the truth, whether we are constructive or destructive at the moment of action because the consequence comes after the action! I'm strange in the good way that has been said to me many times because I'm Visual Thinking Strategies. The world needs the wise men like me.
You have the world trying to get values into companies, communities, etc. This is what I can help gain values because I live attractiveness. The whole world's value basis is based on mistrust, and it's not so good when you know and know the attractiveness. What I can offer the world is consciousness. Are we in the light or dark energy, the consequences come; these are the ones we can use to learn about personal self-development. Learn to live life! Positive through constructive action by the attractiveness ?
What program of ours do you want to promote and why?
The Foundation. What can it do? What will it give you profit???
I can see that the whole world's value base is based on suspicion and distrust, so here is our strategy
Therefore, we use billions and trillions in mental health, hospital services, structured management, etc.
The money we can start releasing when we get the wisdom to see the difference in our creation processes.
What can I offer
? 1 Self-management
? 2. Relationship based cooperation
? 3. Less sick days (bring down sick days and get an understanding of the psyche and illness that you make it yourself)
? 4. Change management & new leading cultures
? 5. Masters that component to see the whole of choices and decisions. (GPS in choices and decisions)
? 6. Value Based Management (How do we get values into the company)
? 7. Emotional Based Management
? 8. holistic whole
? 9. Direction shows and appeals
? 10. Creation
? 11. Learn: Three-dimensional development in light strategy
For the first 6 months, I will be at the company, working for approx. 30 hours a week. After 6 months, we evaluate for the last 6 months, if there are things, which we can adapt for the rest of the year.
New business and community culture in a holistic whole Where self-management and relations based collaboration is implemented Learning - Leading - team development in business processes
? What is the reason?
? How has the conflict been?
? How do we reach goals? Or where >> directional processes <<
Who can I help a company in behavior and processes?
I have a high intuition & EQ. I have a distinctive >> divergent mindset << These qualities give an outstanding insight into seeing the whole of processes. I'm not smart or clever, but wisdom. Life can and must not be understood, it must be experienced to provide understanding.
I can support the company >> manager, manager and employee in processes << to improve the quality of Learning - Leading team development.
Strengthen and train the process in communication, action >> choice and decision <<. Values in the working environment and a holistic whole and reduce sick leave days.
Behavior Consultant. Holistic Whole in EQ - Values - Word Pow
Founder Three-Dimensional Development.The Extraordinary Mind. 13 years of experience with Self-management - Self-Examination
New business & society culture: Where self-management and relations based collaboration is implemented. Learning - Leading - team development in business processes.