New Broom
By James Levin | Jun 15, 2020 |
Are you familiar with the expression, ‘A new broom sweeps clean?’
It implies different things but what I like about it most and find applies to my role as career coach and my clients is that it’s about becoming the new person and exhibiting high energy and having an ability to implement ‘CHANGE’.
What are the fresh new ideas you can bring? Where is your added value? That’s what we look for in the new broom…or the new hire. They hire you because you can bring something different, something innovative and add an original ‘spin’ on things.
Building a team is about improving. Every layer is meant to amplify growth and increase productivity. The new broom represents a different perspective. Your team is interested in what you feel, what you have to say and they want you to express yourself. Share your ideas. Remember, they hired you for a reason. Can you, the new broom do that? Make sure you think this through as you consider your next career move. When you arrive, you will pace yourself and process all that surrounds you and as you develop a sense of rhythm then you can begin to map out how you, the ‘new broom’ will begin to sweep up.
And as you begin to become part of the team, you then become an older broom and that’s cool, because now as you become experienced, you know where the dirty corners are and you can sweep them too.