Breed is said to be a stock of animals or plants within a species having a distinctive appearance and typically having been developed by deliberate selection. Scientist do this purposely to have a better kind of animal or plant. But do we have men and women constantly researching and renewing their minds to be a better person at home, at work and on the leadership seat or position. We urgently need a deliberate selection of men and women who will positively tune their minds towards correct attitude for us to have a better world and society.
Today in our society, corruption and manipulation is constantly devouring, destroying and paralyzing the economy. Are we saying that we don't have the right intellect to make things work? Perhaps no! Is just that the current breed of leaders have monopolized the power and make the effort of the intellectuals inoperable.Can we really separate the country from the society, society from family or the family from our business? They are all interwoven. And that is why, when things don't work at home, it may not work perfectly in the business and the society, hence, we see chains of outburst of anger and frustration at every corner in our society.
What really makes developed countries different from Nigeria? Structure, uncompromising rule of law, accurate information system for proper distribution of resources and fantastic educational system. Can this really happen in Nigeria? Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! But it takes a NEW BREED of men and women. New breed of men, who will be man enough to stop raping, beating and abusing the vulnerable. Men who will stand to say no to bribery and corruption. Female boss that will not frustrate subordinate and push them to suicide from unhealthy pressure from meeting unrealistic target. Leaders who will not make selfish laws or making some persons above the law...
So, who are the NEW BREEDS? It can be YOU! It can be ME. If we really want to. We can make things work. You can change things, not to be a hero, but to be a positive change that we really need in our country. Say no to corruption, stand and speak for truth, fight against domestic violence, the boss should ensure line managers are not making things difficult for the staff under them, leaders do the right thing, listen to the people-use our resources for the right purpose and let us have a changed Nation.