More and more people are thinking about their own way of thinking. And that’s a good thing, because the first step to healing anything is to think about it. The second step of the healing process is what you’ll learn in this book, which is to think about it differently.?
Although we might not consider ourselves as a negative person, we might find that we are buried under negative thoughts nonetheless. We might think of ourselves as very positive and open-hearted and supportive and kind and helpful. Maybe that's true on the outside, but is that true on the inside??
Do you talk to yourself in the same way you express yourself to people externally? I'm not sure if I do this 100 percent of the time. It’s okay if you're not sure, either. It's also okay if you're like me (or like a lot of the people I know, socially and professionally) and you're aware of a conflict within you. A feeling of being misaligned or not in tune or okay with who you are.?
But you want to be.?
You want to be your own biggest cheerleader. You want to pat yourself on the back like you do for the people you care about. You want to be grateful for your own amazingness and you want to be in the flow with what feels good. Have I got that right??
It might seem like there is something in the way of all that. Something that, when you’ve tried to change in the past, has slowly pulled you back to old patterns.?
We bitch at ourselves, judge ourselves, scold ourselves, punish ourselves, and abuse ourselves. We put on a good face to celebrate, congratulate, and compliment everyone else, and we manage to skip the one person who really needs it the most. Ourselves.?
I'm fascinated by these patterns in human psychology. I'm intrigued by the specific split-second inside our unconscious minds where we DECIDE to make positive, self-affirming choices for our health and well-being. I love helping people make better decisions for themselves, and as we’ll see later, it all starts with our thoughts. It’s a top-down approach.?
And that's exactly what this book is about. It’ll show you how to change your thought patterns and rewire your neurology in the tiny crucial moments throughout your day and will invite you to love and care for yourself.?
These micro-moments are the places we need to focus on if we really want to heal our bodies and our lives. This is where we get to re-establish ourselves as the leaders of our own lives and change our negative thoughts into positive ones that are truly helpful, supportive, and loving, just like we've been giving to the people around us for so long. I will give you a step-by-step process for going from “FRIG! I'm swearing at myself again!!!” to “Wow... what a beautiful and delightful creature I am.”?
Imagine for a moment that you’re on a path in the forest, and you come to a fork in the road. You notice the main path is the one most directly in front of you. It’s dark, prickly with brush, and smells like decades of build-up. This path is wider, and the terrain is smoother. You can tell it’s well-worn. It's tempting to continue this way because it’s so eerily familiar.?
But slightly off to one side is another option. It’s a smaller path that is less worn and has only an odd footprint. You notice the vegetation is different, a lighter shade of green. New life exists there; it seems full of buoyant potential. You’re noticing a pull to explore that one. You notice a yearning, a calling, to veer off the beaten path and explore something new. Even though it’s windier, it’s also brighter, like there’s a light at the end. It’s so contrary to the original path, and yet it’s magnetizing you toward it.?
You decide to go for it. You take your first step onto this new, fresh path as if it’s been waiting for you all this time. You take a full, relaxed, deep breath for the first time in years or decades. Something inside you says, "Keep going, Sweetheart. True freedom awaits."