MARITAL ADVICE TO MY GRANDSON, JOEL: How to be a husband your wife won't throw out of the window in the middle of the night.
When my grandson, Joel, got engaged, I decided to jot down a few words of marital advice for him, based on my vast experience as a husband. Then I thought, why share this wisdom with only one person when I can share it with the whole world. So, I started a blog and added new marital advice every week. As the popularity of the blog grew, people suggested that the material should be turned into a book and, well, here it is!
Sure, much of the advice is off-the-wall and wacky, but it is also an upbeat, insightful, humorous look at married life that any engaged, married, or even single person can relate to and enjoy.
Advice to Joel, and to any man, includes: make sure that you buy a roll of electrical tape before you volunteer to do the vacuuming, and why, how to deal with your wife's steely-eyed, clinched-jaw scowl, known as "The Look," how to answer your wife's questions such as, "Does this dress make my ass look big?," the warning that your mouth will get you into a whole lot more trouble than your Willy ever will, and how to create the world's most powerful anniversary card for your wife.
Available on amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com and other sources. Check out the blog at www.maritaladvicetomygrandsonjoel.com