New Book Cover!
Here's the cover of our newest book!
And you can order the Kindle version as of today:
We're working on the print version. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Doesn't that look similar to one of your older books?" Well, yeah, it's a sequel. So, in honor of the second Slightly Off the Mark book, we lowered the e-book price of the original to just 99 cents. Happy Christmas shopping!
The Old One
Speaking of humor, we've lowered the e-book price of the photo-filled Hoosier Hysterical: How the West Became the Midwest Without Moving At All from $3.99 to $2.99, in addition to dropping Smoky Days and Sleepless Nights to $1.99. They're all here:
Or here (Except for the newest, but it'll come soon):
Remember, whenever a humor book doesn't sell, Mark Twain rolls over in his grave ... which might explain all those recent small earthquakes in Missouri.